The 32-year-old is wanted in custody for terrorist crimes in Visby

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32-year-old Theodor Engström, who is in custody on suspicion of murder in Visby on July 6, has been requested to be detained on suspicion of terrorist crimes through murder and for preparation for terrorist crimes through preparation for murder. He has been notified of these suspicions before. He is now being remanded in custody for the same crime. Arrest proceedings begin today in Gotland District Court.

The police are asking for the public’s help

The police are also asking for the public’s help with image and film material about the event itself.
It applies on July 6 at 13.40 to 14.00 at Donners place in Visby.

See chamber prosecutor Henrik Olin tell why the 32-year-old is suspected of a terrorist crime, in the player above.
