The 3 points to know before choosing text commentary for the French baccalaureate

The 3 points to know before choosing text commentary for

Is your teenager taking the French baccalaureate this year? To help him in his final revisions, here are the three points he must know inside out to succeed in his text commentary.

Thousands of high school students in year 1 are preparing to take their very first anticipated exam for the baccalaureate this Friday, June 14 in the morning. For these candidates, this year it is about the French baccalaureate. This is divided into two parts, including a four-hour written test. For writing, candidates in the general sector have the choice between the dissertation or the text commentary. Two exercises with specific methodologies, which candidates must know at least if they want to obtain at least the average. But you still need to know how to revise. Often, candidates are lost and don’t know where to focus their revisions, especially for text commentary.

To help them, on social networks, many teacher and student accounts offer tips for revising effectively. In this niche, there is the Tiktok account @mesfichesdefrancais which publishes two videos every day on different subjects related to the French baccalaureate. In one of her videos, the young woman explains in detail the three points to absolutely revise before taking her French test.

The first concerns figures of speech. The expert advises high school students to make a sheet entirely dedicated to the main figures of speech that have been studied throughout the school year. To do this, note their name, their meaning and the impact that each has in a text. Students can also sort them by text register to better memorize them. “For example, understatement will be in a rather tragic text register, while hyperbole will be in a comic register”details the young woman in her video.

For the second point to revise, she suggests preparing a revision sheet focused on the different literary movements, as well as their characteristics and the main authors associated with them. This will allow the high school student to develop their comment introduction.

Finally, candidates for the French baccalaureate have every interest in making a third sheet which takes up the methodology of text commentary, that is to say the order of the different parts, but also “how do you make an introduction, what should you put in the transitions, in its development, and how do you make a good conclusion”, underlines the specialist. To complete this, they can add a final sheet on grammatical constructions, because text commentary is above all a text analysis, where it is necessary to analyze the processes, the figures of speech as well as the grammatical constructions used by the text. author for a very specific purpose.
