“During the past months, Gnosjö has not been safe at all, has been close to killing more than five times”.
So the 28-year-old wrote an email to the police, almost ten months after the crime, in which he admits that it was he who killed the 74-year-old woman. Three and a half hours later, he is arrested in his home by the task force.
Already in the first interrogation, he tells about the assault:
“And then when we pass each other there, then I regret it. I feel that I don’t want to do it(…) but turn off everything, all empathy and such and yes turn off emotions, thoughts and then she has come a little way and then I pick up the hammer and the knife.”
After the murder, the man goes to a store and buys food. When he gets home, he gets rid of his clothes. He has thrown the murder weapon in the forest, near the scene of the crime. They are only found when the 28-year-old is herded at the scene almost a year after the murder.
Tortured cats as children
The 28-year-old talks in the interrogation about his dark side, which expressed itself in violence against the family’s cats, already as a child.
“It happened that you could strangle it. Then release and choke again.”
And shortly after the murder, the thoughts of murder came again:
“So after this, it was as if I opened the doors. I just let it all out and the feeling of wanting to kill continued.”
Meanwhile, he acquired more weapons and planned where to strike next. He says that the cost of all the weapons made him choose to turn himself in to the police, but that there was also a desire to disappear from society and that prison would then be a solution.
At the same time, he says that he was fascinated by serial killers and that his phone contained pictures and searches for high-profile murders.
Feeling disappointed
He also says that it is disappointing that he has not succeeded in murdering more people, even though he has been out for that purpose several times, in Gnosjö and in Gothenburg.
“Knew exactly who I wanted to kill and not kill. It was mostly the older ones that I wanted to go to precisely because it goes the fastest. “
The 28-year-old man is charged with murder and preparation for murder. The trial starts on Wednesday.
In the clip below, you can hear the defense lawyer and prosecutor talk about the suspect’s motives.