The 25 days of the rout that led Joe Biden to abandon the presidential race

The 25 days of the rout that led Joe Biden

On June 27, 2024, Joe Biden emerged extremely weakened after a failed debate against Donald Trump. On July 21, he withdrew from the presidential race, which was to be held on November 5. Here is the story of the twenty-five days that led to the fall of President Biden.

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On June 27, 2024, on stage, the Democratic leader often appeared confused, mincing his words and getting confused more than once. Donald Trumpwho was convicted in criminal court at the end of May 2024, largely imposed his style, multiplying exaggerations and untruths, particularly on immigration, without the intervention of the two CNN journalists hosting the evening. According to a CNN poll conducted among viewers, the verdict is nevertheless clear: two thirds of them judged that Donald Trump had won the match. Distressed reactions and calls to withdraw from anonymous Democrats spread in the press as soon as the debate ended. This debate sounds the beginning of panic for the Democrats.

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The very next day, Friday, June 28, 2024, the press raised the question of whether he should continue to run for a second term. We were then four months away from the presidential election and six weeks away from the Democratic convention that was supposed to swear in the American president.

The editorial board of the prestigious American newspaper New York Times calls on President Joe Biden to withdraw from the race for the White House. Joe Biden, a good man, a good president, is in no position to seek re-election. ” writes columnist Thomas Friedman. The self-described “ friend ” the American president said he had ” cry ” seeing the 81-year-old Democrat, at times haggard, stumble over words and stammer for 90 minutes in front of CNN cameras. Officially, in the Democratic ranks, the line remains to support the octogenarian candidate. The scenario of a withdrawal then seems very unlikely.

Read alsoNew York Times Calls on Joe Biden to Withdraw from White House Race

I don’t speak as easily as I used to, I don’t speak as fluently as I used to, I don’t debate as well as I used to “, acknowledged Joe Biden, at a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina on June 28, 2024. ” I give you my Biden word. I would not run again if I did not believe, with all my heart and soul, that I could do this job. “, added the American president, however, saying his ” intention to win ” this disputed southeastern state.

“We need a new candidate »

Actor George Clooney had also called on the American president to withdraw from the race for the White House in a Tribune published on July 10 in the New York TimesI like Joe Biden. But we need a new candidate ” he wrote.

That same day, one of the first heavyweights to express reservations about Joe Biden’s continued candidacy was Nancy Pelosi. On MSNBC, the former Speaker of the House of Representatives, who remains very influential, put the Democrat against the wall, in a subtle but relentless manner. It is up to the president to decide whether he will run. ” in November against his Republican predecessor Donald Trump, she declared on this channel popular with Democrats. ” We all encourage him to make this decision, because time is running out.”she added.

The next day, Joe Biden, who is now playing for his political survival with every public appearance, faces a formidable test for his presidential candidacy: a major press conference at the end of the NATO summit. This is a crucial moment for the president’s candidacy, which must reassure his camp and put an end to the doubts that are spreading. But while the president of the UNITED STATES must be reassuring, it began by worrying by confusing, before correcting himself, the names of two leaders currently at war with each other. He calls the Ukrainian Volodymyr Zelensky named after his mortal enemy, the Russian Vladimir Poutine.

Read alsoUnited States: Joe Biden’s press conference does not reassure the Democratic Party

Barack Obama, the final blow?

Shortly after, the former American president Barack Obama would have expressed his doubts about the ” viability » of Joe Biden’s candidacy. The head of state was forced to put his campaign on hold on Thursday, July 17 because he contracted Covid-19. The same day, the Washington Post reported that Barack Obamaof whom Joe Biden was vice-president, had told people close to him that he thought his former sidekick should ” seriously assess the viability of his candidacy ” Will these reported remarks have been the final blow for Joe Biden?

It is finally Sunday, July 21, 2024 that will remain in history. According to a source quoted by the Reuters agency, Joe Biden abruptly changed his mind about maintaining his candidacy over the weekend. Last night [samedi] The message was to keep going, to go full steam ahead “, the source told Reuters. Around 1:45pm today (17:45 UT), The president told his campaign staff that he had changed his mind. »

At 1:46 p.m. (7:46 p.m. Paris time), the axe fell: Joe Biden published a press release on the social network X announcing his withdrawal from the race for the White House. It has been the great honour of my life to serve as your President. And while I intended to seek re-election, I believe it is in the best interests of my party and the country for me to step down and focus solely on my duties as President,” he wrote, thus plunging his country into an era of uncertainty.

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