The 21-year-old main character in the gang conflict in Sundsvall switched sides overnight

Until last November, the 21-year-old belonged, among other things, together with the two other suspects in the Korsta shooting – 20 and 22 years old – to the Stockholm-based criminal Dalen network.

For several years, the network had control over the drug market in the Sundsvall area. But last fall, something happened that caused the 21-year-old main man in the gang conflict prosecution to quickly leave Dalensidan.

It is to instead lead a Sundsvall phalanx of the competing Network Foxtrot, led by the man convicted of drug crimes known as “the Kurdish fox”.

– If it is the case that the 21-year-old was actively lured over by Foxtrot or if he decided to break away and then received Foxtrot’s support, we don’t know for sure, says District Attorney Henrik Wallin to SVT.

From one day to the next, his former “brothers” in the Valley Network thus became mortal enemies.

The start of the spiral of violence

And just a couple of weeks later, what police and prosecutors describe as the starting point for the gang war, both locally and nationally, occurred: the attempted murder in Bosvedjan in Sundsvall at the beginning of December, where one of the Dalen network’s men was to be shot.

Subsequently, two of the 21-year-old’s closest men in the past – the two he is suspected of carrying out the fatal shooting in Korsta together with – were made targets in the series of explosions and shootings that were planned in Sundsvall at the end of January, but which were ruled out by the police.

See more in the video where, among other things, the prosecutor talks about the 21-year-old’s change of sides in the conflict.

The shooting death in Korsta on December 7, 2020, when a 33-year-old man was shot dead with six shots in the middle of the residential area, is still unsolved.
