the 2027 Women’s World Cup awarded to Brazil

the 2027 Womens World Cup awarded to Brazil

Brazil will host the first Women’s World Cup organized in South America in 2027, FIFA announced on Friday May 17. The Brazilian file beat the joint candidacy of Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, by 119 votes to 78 of the member federations.

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I feel extremely emotional, we know it was going to be very difficult. It’s a victory for Latin American football, and for women’s football in Latin America “, declared the president of the Brazilian Federation, Ednaldo Rodrigues. For its tenth edition, the competition is preparing to explore a new continent, in the wake of the success of the 2023 vintage, in Australia and New Zealand, which broke commercial and audience records, in a format with 32 teams used for the first time.

Ten speakers that have already been used during the Men’s World Cup in 2014

Competition to host major football competitions has become rare. The 2028 and 2032 editions of the men’s Euro were allocated last year to single files, pending the 2030 and 2034 World Cups where only one contender appears each time. Brazil, home of legendary players Formiga and Marta, had obtained a better technical score (4.0/5 against 3.7/5) from the experts of the body, in particular thanks to stadiums considered more efficient.

The Auriverde file is based on ten venues which have already been used during the Men’s World Cup in 2014, including the legendary Maracana, in Rio de Janeiro, proposed to host the opening match and the final. Some will nevertheless require work, in particular the Amazonia of Manaus, a “white elephant” that has been almost unused for ten years. The Fifa report also highlighted the “prodigious” impact for women’s football that holding the competition in South America would have, where significant inequalities in salaries and infrastructure persist to the detriment of women.

Unlike its men’s counterpart, five times titled, the Brazilian women’s team has never won the World Cup. The Seleçao was eliminated last year in the group stage, during which it lost against France (2-1).

The West European candidacy suffered from legal complexities which threatened Fifa with possible additional costs, according to the evaluation report. “ We wish them great success in organizing this World Cup. », Reacted the Belgian federation in a press release. A time in the race and already co-organizers of the 2026 men’s World Cup alongside Canada, the United States and Mexico withdrew their joint candidacy last April, to focus on 2031.
