The 2024 EU elections – which voting type are you?

Election researchers have identified different strategies for structuring the decision. The most common is that; vote for the party you think is best in national elections, vote based on a certain issue, or vote for an individual candidate.

– If you vote for an issue of the heart, it is of course important to know which issues the parliament actually has the opportunity to influence, says Linda Berg.

EU elections 2024

  • Shaped by growing up in Hovsjö – Khatchadourian (S) is the only EU candidate from Södertälje

  • Konstfack’s rector wants to see a more central place for culture within the EU

  • She believes that voters can also think about being more backward-looking.

    – You can find out what candidates, who have already sat in parliament, have actually voted. It’s a bit more complicated, but I think highly of Swedish voters – you can do it, but it takes a little time.

    Which strategy is actually the easiest and fastest if you have difficulty deciding? And which type of voting do you most recognize yourself in? Watch the video above.
