the 2023 jury revamped with Bigflo and Oli

the 2023 jury revamped with Bigflo and Oli

THE VOICE 2023. It’s official! The jury of The Voice will partially change next year on TF1 in 2023. Rappers Bigflo and Oli join the red armchairs of the show.

[Mis à jour le 14 septembre 2022 à 13h47] TF1’s flagship tele-hook has just formalized the composition of its jury for the year 2023. The next season of The Voice will see the return of Vianney, Zazie and Amel Bent in the red armchairs of the show. The front page singing competition will also welcome, for the first time, a duo of coaches with Bigflo and Oli. This is a first for the Toulouse rapper duo who are joining the great TF1 machine here from next season. The Voice 2023 will be the twelfth season of TF1’s tele-hook. We should be able to follow it by the beginning of next year, probably from February if the usual schedule is respected.

If you want to participate in The Voice 2023 show, the castings are still open. Participants can fill out a form to submit their application. Just click on this link. For the moment, the date of the return of The Voice for its next season is not yet known. It seems very likely, however, that the show won’t return until 2023. Usually, the singing competition airs early in the year, with finals scheduled sometime in May. We can therefore imagine that season 12 will be scheduled for the same period next year. However, we must wait for a formalization from TF1 to find out more.

The jury for The Voice 2023 was formalized in mid-September 2022. As a reminder, Florent Pagny had announced that he was retiring from public life for several months due to lung cancer. In 2023, we will find Vianney, Amel Bent and Zazie, three coaches now used to the red armchairs of The Voice. They will welcome for the first time a duo of coaches: Bigflo and Oli, the two Toulouse rappers.

Traditionally, TF1 launches its new season of “The Voice, the most beautiful voice” on Saturdays, at the start of the year with blind auditions. The date for the resumption of the 2023 season has not yet been formalized. The last season resumed on February 12, 2022 and ended on May 23, 2022. It is also followed by a program called “The Voice, the sequel” which reveals a behind-the-scenes part of TF1’s flagship program.

In 2022, 16-year-old Nour won the final of The Voice 2022. She won 56.2% of the public vote, crowning this season’s big winner. She was coached by Florent Pagny, and will soon release a solo album with Universal Music. Previously, Nour had made a passage in season 6 of The Voice Kids, coached by Soprano.

Like all TF1 programs, The Voice is available for replay for seven days after the episode is broadcast. So don’t wait too long to catch up. TF1 programs are available for replay on the website or on the replays tabs of your TV box. This is the perfect opportunity not to miss any episode of The Voice competition each year. You should also know that the website is also full of new behind-the-scenes videos of the show to continue the experience. Finally, note that, as part of the intergroup partnership between TF1, France Télévisions and M6, episodes of The Voice are also made available on the Salto subscription streaming platform.
