The 20 best series so far in 2022 – Not even Stranger Things has a chance against 1st place

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The start lists of the streaming services escalate month after month. Series fans will be overwhelmed by a selection of hundreds of new series seasons on Netflix, Disney+, Amazon and more – while some highlights that are really worth seeing get lost in the crowd. you want to know which series are really worthwhile? Then you’ve come to the right place.

The production year 2022 already had a lot to offer in the first six months. In addition to Marvel, Star Wars and Netflix chart toppers, there were excellent series gems to discover. So that you don’t have to wait until the end of the year for helpful series top lists, we in the Moviepilot team have already selected our highlights from the first half of the year: These are the 20 best series of 2022 so far.

This is how the list of the 20 best series 2022 so far came about

As with the top lists at the end of the year (here you can find the best series of 2021 and the best films of 2021), the Moviepilot team created individual lists with the personal top 10 best series of the first half of 2022. All in all 45 different series were nominated. There were a few criteria and rules when evaluating the lists:

  • The series and seasons had to have started in Germany between January 1st and June 30th, 2022.
  • Any person could 10 series in total Submit while assigning points: from 10 points for their personal number 1, up to 1 point for their personal number 10.
  • All points were added together for the final ranking. When evaluating the overall list, the number of entries and first places counted in the event of a tie. In some cases, two series share a slot.
  • With hundreds of series innovations, we can’t see everything – even if we try again and again. Hence: Write us your personal series top 10 list below in the comments.

    And now have fun browsing. And maybe you will discover one or the other highlight that you have missed so far.

    The best series of 2022 on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and more – places 20 to 11


    Ms Marvel

    Some of the Moviepilot editorial team’s favorite series just missed making it into the top 10. These occupy places 11 to 20 with narrow gaps:

    The best series of 2022 – 10th place: Euphoria Season 2

    © HBO


    The hit HBO series developed by Sam Levinsion euphoria returned with Season 2 after an unbearably long hiatus. With gritty imagery and a killer soundtrack, Euphoria plunges back into the abysses of her teenage protagonists centered around Zendaya’s Rue, delivering unbearably suspenseful, heartbreaking, and totally meme-worthy moments week after week.

  • Points: 17
  • Euphoria season 1-2 streams at WOW* (formerly Sky Ticket)
  • The best series of 2022 – 9th place: Peaky Blinders season 6

    © BBC / Netflix

    Peaky Blinders

    The British gangster series Peaky Blinders – Gangs of Birmingham came to an (early) end after 6 seasons. This time, the story of Tommy Shelby (Cillian Murphy) jumps back to 1933 and deals with issues such as Prohibition and the rise of fascism, while the Irish Mafia and Irish Republican Army present Tommy with challenges. However, there is no end to the story, because Peaky Blinders will be concluded with a feature film in the near future.

  • points: 18
  • Peaky Blinders seasons 1-6 streaming on Netflix
  • The best series of 2022 – 8th place: Pachinko



    In an epic form as well as an intimate narrative, unfolds in Pachinko – A simple life the family history of Korean Sunja, spanning four generations and eight decades. Filmed in three languages, the epic series that takes us from 1910s Korea to 1980s Japan is captured in poetic and beautiful images. A series about life, survival, home and origins, Pachinko is a poignant portrait of a generation of people treated as “strangers” everywhere. You can find out more about pachinko in the series check.

  • Points: 21
  • Pachinko streams on Apple TV+
  • The best series of 2022 – 7th place: Obi-Wan Kenobi


    Obi Wan Kenobi

    Darth Vader terrorizes the galaxy and his former Jedi trainer in the name of the Empire Obi Wan Kenobi takes the blame for it. The latest Star Wars series explores Obi-Wan’s story between Episodes III and IV, sending the tormented Jedi on an exciting adventure with young Leia Organa and vengeful Inquisitors. The return of Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen scored with plenty of nostalgia and the occasional appearance of legendary Star Wars characters.

  • Points: 30
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi streams on Disney+ *
  • The best series of 2022 – 5th place: Moon Knight


    Moon Knight

    Oscar Isaac was worried that his MCU debut would ruin his career, and that fear was completely unfounded. Without intrusive references to the otherwise so strongly networked MCU and completely independently presented us Moon Knight the unusual origin story of a deeply traumatized superhero with multiple personalities and linked them to deities from Egyptian mythology. Just this refreshing departure from the typical Marvel standard was a pleasant surprise.

  • Points: 32
  • Moon Knight is streaming on Disney+
  • The best series of 2022 – 5th place: Severance



    The Apple TV+ streaming service delivered two hit series in the first half of the year that made it into our top 10. Most impressive was the unusual sci-fi thriller severity. Here we follow the employees of the enigmatic company Lumon, who split their consciousness into a work persona (Innies) and a private persona (Outies). From this concept Severence creates a mindfuck version of The Office full of mysteries and twists, exciting personalities, the disturbing “Music Dance Experience” and one of the best season finales of the year.

  • Points: 32
  • Severance streams on Apple TV+
  • The best series of 2022 – 3rd place: The Boys Season 3



    Amazon’s superhero:inside satire theboys is also in season 3 again a stunner. The series about corrupt supes with a greed for success and the corporate media exploitation of heroic characters once again becomes an incomparable mix of complex character studies and bloody and slimy excess. With the new episodes, breastmilk addict Homelander once again cements his status as pop culture’s most intriguing supervillain, while Herogasm brings us an unforgettable The Boys event.

    The best series of 2022 – 3rd place: Heartstopper



    With the comic adaptation heartstopper Netflix has not only created the most lovable series of the year so far, but also a comforting hug that will make you forget the stressful everyday life for 4 hours. The sweet, innocent and very honest boy-meets-boy romance of the two British teenagers Charlie Spring and Nick Nelson took viewers’ hearts by storm. Because she celebrates love, heart pounding and being a teenager like no other this year. You can find out more about Heartstopper in the series check.

  • Points: 36
  • Heartstopper is streaming on Netflix
  • The best series of 2022 – 2nd place: Stranger Things season 4



    Netflix’s biggest blockbuster series StrangerThings has returned after a hiatus of almost 3 years with full pop culture punch. The new episodes of the 4th season not only break the boundaries between feature film and series length, but also use their XXL runtime for an epic story that knows how to control its mega ensemble scattered to the four winds and never lets boredom arise. Stranger Things has also found its best horror villain yet in Vecna, bringing together the best of iconic monsters like Freddy Krueger, Pinhead and Pennywise.

  • Points: 36
  • Stranger Things seasons 1-4 streaming on Netflix
  • Best TV Shows of 2022 #1: Better Call Saul Season 6

    © AMC

    Better Call Saul

    No other series was able to trigger such a storm of enthusiasm in the Moviepilot editorial team as the 6th season of Better Call Saul. The final season of the Breaking Bad prequel is heading inexorably towards the grand finale and the final farewell to Saul Goodman and Kim Wexler. So far, the first 7 episodes have been shown, which, with well thought-out imagery, haunting suspense highlights and complex character developments, have delivered the best series season of the year so far. Can another series top that by the end of the year?

  • Points: 45
  • Better Call Saul seasons 1-6 streaming on Netflix
  • The 22 biggest series highlights in 2022: What’s coming from Netflix, Amazon & Co.?

    The year 2022 is bursting with upcoming series highlights on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and more. And we present you the 22 best of them in the Moviepilot podcast:

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    Esther, Max and Matthias look at the new series year and pull the 22 biggest new series and personal highlights out of a hat – from The Lord of the Rings to House of Dragon to Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi.

    *. Moviepilot receives a commission if you make a purchase via these links or take out a subscription. .

    Which series have you liked best in 2022 so far?
