The 18-year-old is heard about the murders at Malmö Latin School

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The trial began last week with a one-day hearing on Wednesday. The hearing will resume on Tuesday and the accused 18-year-old will be questioned by prosecutor Johanna Liljeblad.

Anders Elison is the 18-year-old’s lawyer:

— I have been in custody now and talked to my client for a few hours. I have prepared him for what questions I know will come. The questions are quite predictable and so far he seems to be collected and ready, Anders Elison said when TT reached him on Monday morning.

The trial continues on Wednesday and is expected to end on Thursday at the latest.

Since the minor mental examination that has already been done on the 18-year-old concluded that he may be suspected of having a serious mental disorder, Elison expects that his client will undergo a major forensic psychiatric examination before the verdict is handed down.
