The 13-year-old was shot to death in a gang conflict

A 13-year-old boy who was found dead in Haninge, south of Stockholm, earlier in September was shot in a gang conflict.
This was announced by prosecutor Lisa Dos Santos on Wednesday.

The teenager was shot in the head and the body is believed to have been moved after the murder, according to information given to TV4 Nyheterna.

He was reported missing in early September and was last seen alive south of Stockholm.

– There is information, which I cannot go into further due to the confidentiality of the preliminary investigation, which shows that the boy was exposed to the gross and completely reckless gang violence, says preliminary investigation leader Lisa dos Santos.

Now the judiciary hopes that tips from the public will help the investigation move forward.

The police are calling for sightings of Milo from the surrounding area at the following places and times: In the center of Bagarmossen on the evening of September 8 between 19 and 21 and in Haninge center and surroundings after 22 and during the night of Saturday 9 September. The police are still interested in other information about Milo, which may relate to the crime.
