The 11 warning symptoms of meningitis

The 11 warning symptoms of meningitis

Cases of meningitis have been reported in adults who attended a nightclub in Strasbourg in early November. Headache, stiff neck: list of typical symptoms of meningitis to identify to quickly call 15.

[Mise à jour le 1er décembre 2022 à 10h40] Several case of meningitis have been reported in adults having attended a nightclub in Strasbourg at the beginning of November. The ARS invites people who regularly frequent festive places in this district to watch symptoms suggestive of meningitis and to call 15 in case of doubt, reports France Blue Alsace. It does not evoke an epidemic at this stage. Meningitis is a meningeal infection, membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord.It can occur at any age, but occurs mainly in infants under one year and adolescents. Unlike viral meningitis which is generally mild, bacterial meningitis is a very serious infection., fatal in 10% cases. Tower of warning symptoms with Dr. Muhamed-Kheir Taha, Director of the National Meningococcal Reference Center at the Institut Pasteur.

1. Intense headaches

Intense and violent headaches are one of the typical signs of the onset of meningitis, both in children and in adults. These headaches are exacerbated by exposure to noise and light and are not not relieved by painkillers classics“, describes Dr. Taha. On the other hand, headaches are difficult to detect in young children, who are not yet able to express themselves. A headache that persists and does not disappear thanks to medication is a sign that should not be overlooked: it is important to consult a doctor.

2. Stiff neck

The neck stiffness indicates a defense contracture of the neck muscles during inflammation of the meninges. It is accompanied by permanent pain, which can sometimes be unbearable“, explains Dr. Taha. Consult a doctor urgently.

In children, adolescents and adults, a stiff neck associated with unbearable pain is one of the typical symptoms of meningitis.

In infants and babieson the contrary, a flabby neck -and not stiff as in older people- as well asa bulging fontanel (membranous space between the bones of the skull still not attached to each other in the newborn) are warning signs.

3. Hypersensitivity to light

An intolerance or extreme sensitivity to natural or artificial light – called photophobia– is a typical sign of meningitis in children, adolescents and adults“, indicates the specialist. Concretely, an individual suffers from photophobia when, when looking at a light source, he has eye pain and severe headaches. Photophobia can be the manifestation of a simple migraine or a mild illness, or even in some cases meningitis. Talk to a doctor.

4. Vomiting

In case of meningitis, vomiting and abdominal pain appear quite earlyusually in the first 15 hours infection“, explains Dr. Taha. Often caused by changes in position, these “jet” vomiting are triggered effortlessly and unrelated to meals. In case of vomiting associated with other typical symptoms of meningitis (stiff neck in children or adults, soft neck in the baby, headaches, pale complexion, fever, hypersensitivity to light, etc.), consult a doctor quickly who can make a diagnosis and consider appropriate treatment.

5. A persistent fever

A fever above 38°C, which appears suddenly, persists and does not decrease is a symptom not to be taken lightly, both in babies and in children and adults. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s meningitis, but you have to think about it.insists our expert. Parents are often told that the first 19 hours of meningitis feel like a big fluwith similar symptoms: vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, great fatigue…If the fever is accompanied by other typical symptoms of bacterial meningitis (stiff neck, photophobia, purpura…), call the Samu (15 or 112).

6. Leg pain

In the first hours of certain bacterial meningitis (types W and C), pain in the legs, thighs or spine (back pain) are to be monitored because they can be the sign of sepsisexplains the expert. Passing through the bloodstream, the strain of the bacteria can cause inflammation of the blood vessels supplying the legs, causing pain.” Be careful, pain in the legs or thighs is not necessarily a manifestation of meningitis. It can be if it is associated with other signs such as fever, cold extremities of the limbs, headaches or fever.

7. Cold hands or feet

Very cold or even frozen hands and feet is one of the typical signs of meningitis. This symptom usually appears during first 15 hours and is accompanied by a fever of more than 38°C“, describes our interlocutor. If your child’s hands and feet are very cold and you cannot warm them in a blanket or in your hands, consult a doctor urgently, especially if he has a fever. .

8. Small red spots

Bacterial meningitis can begin with nonspecific symptoms such as fever or vomiting. In contrast, small red or purple spots on the skin that do not disappear with the pressure of the finger can be a specific sign of meningitis in babies, children or the adult and must alert“, insists Dr. Muhamed-Kheir Taha. it may be a purpura fulminanssepsis with hemorrhagic lesions that spread very rapidly over the surface of the skin. A simple test to recognize purpura: take a clear glass and press the bottom of the glass onto the stain. If it does not go away, it may be purpura. Contact the emergency room: they can set up emergency treatment with antibiotics.

9. A pale or expressionless face

A pale complexion or an expressionless face are signs to watch out for. If associated with other symptoms such as fever or vomiting, see a doctor“, advises our interlocutor.
► In young childrenunusual high-pitched crying and screaming, refusal to feed and more generally”a child who is not as usual (grey complexion, sluggish attitude, etc.) can be real warning signs, it is important to trust your parent’s instincts and call 15“, he specifies.
► In adolescents or young adults, meningitis is more difficult to detect. A change in behavior, withdrawal, sudden isolation, a tendency to curl up in bed, accompanied by an altered general condition are signs that should not be overlooked. It is advisable to consult a doctor.

10. A “gun dog” position

A position in “gun dog”i.e. lying on your side with your back to the light, your legs bent and your head slightly back, can be one of the warning signs of meningitis in a child or adolescent“, explains the specialist. Observe your child: if he often has his head thrown back and contracted in extension, this may indicate a stiff neck. It is better to consult a doctor quickly.

11. Drowsiness

A baby, child or adult who is sleepy and more irritable than usual should be watched, says Dr. Taha. For certain bacterial meningitis or viral meningoencephalitis, there are deeper disturbances of consciousness such as mental confusion. It’s rarer, but they’re also warning symptoms.” Drowsiness associated with other typical signs of meningitis (headache, stiff neck, purpura, etc.) is a medical emergency.

What are the signs of meningitis in children?

► In young children: unusual high-pitched crying and crying, abnormal irritability, oversensitivity to touch, fever, refusal to eat and vomiting, flabby neck and bulging fontanel, gray or “marble-like” complexion, cold extremities.

What are the signs of meningitis in adults?

► In adults and children: leg or joint pain, photophobia, stiff neck, severe headache, fever, expressionless face, vomiting, confusion or drowsiness, cold extremities and sometimes seizures.

What are the signs of meningitis in adolescents?

► In adolescents: identical signs as in adults with the addition of: withdrawal into oneself, permanent isolation, great fatigue and a “dog-like” attitude.

Thanks to Dr. Muhamed-Kheir Taha, director of the National Meningococcal Reference Center at the Institut Pasteur.
