The “1080p Premium” era for YouTube has also arrived on the web version

The 1080p Premium era for YouTube has also arrived on

A leader in the video field YouTubeExpands the “1080p Premium” feature that it brings in the Premium package.

YouTube, last year for mobile “1080p Premium” He made a lot of noise when he started his tests and then made the official announcement about it. Positioned above the normal 1080P resolution option, the new 1080p Premium option, “paid”Premium” to its subscribers gives more video bitwidthso with 1080p Premium Compared to 1080P, clearer / sharper / cleaner video quality can be obtained. In the first phase, it remains exclusive to iPhone and Apple TV devices. 1080p Premium option, last Android was starting to come to him. As we learn today, the feature also reached the web version globally. For example, directly here can be seen in the video (Also open to Premium subscribers in Turkey) 1080p Premium option does not remove the free 1080p option, contrary to some misinformation. Google just “Premium” gives its subscribers a little more quality.


1080p Premium spokesperson for the company Paul Pennington, reported that they were testing this option on a small YouTube Premium subscriber at the time. “1080p Premium is an enhanced version of 1080p providing more data per pixel and a higher quality viewing experience.‘ said Pennington, ‘There will be no change in the current quality of 1080p resolution.” he added. YouTube last year, it also made a sound with a 4K-focused step. Company Making 4K resolution part of the Premium package did the tests. Many users living abroad, Can’t watch 4K YouTube videos without a premium subscriber. This infrastructure, which was never tried in Turkey, drew quite a reaction. Seeing these reactions, YouTube took a nice step back and finished the test of putting 4K on Premium.
