The 10 saddiest deaths in rannking – this is how you voted

Meinmmo wanted to know from you: Which death in Harry Potter did your heart broke most? Now we’ll tell you the results. Who made it to the top?

What kind of survey was that? In this survey we wanted to know from you which death in Harry Potter took you the most. The selection was large – after all, the series passed some characters in a tragic way.

You had the opportunity to choose up to two deaths that touched you the most. A total of 996 of you have given up their voices. In addition, you could also vote for “another” if your favorite was not on the list. In the comments you then had the opportunity to name the name of the character.

We made a ranking from your voices-and now we will show you which death of the Meinmmo community was particularly keen.

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The Meinmmo community has coordinated: these are the 10 saddest deaths in Harry Potter

This is where the overview of places 10-4 comes before we introduce you to the top 3 in detail:

  • 10th place: Tonks (2 %, 20 votes)
  • 9th place: Remus Lupin (2 %, 23 votes)
  • 8th place: Cedric Diggory (2 %, 29 votes)
  • 7th place: Voldemort (4 %, 50 votes)
  • 6th place: Fred Weasley (6 %, 77 votes)
  • 5th place: Hedwig (9 %, 113 votes)
  • 4th place: Albus Dumbledore (10 %, 126 votes)
  • The death of Dumbledore in 4th place was a heavy blow. Hedwig and Fred, who met us deeply with their victims, are also represented in the upper places. And Voldemort actually made it to 7th place? Even before Cedric? You should be ashamed.

    But now we come to your 3 favorites.

    The top 3 of the Meinmmo community

    3rd place: Sirius Black

  • Result: 16 % with 196 votes
  • Sirius Black was more than just a godfather for Harry – he was a connection to his past, a piece of the family that Harry could never really get to know. In Sirius, Harry not only found someone who understood him, but also an ally, a friend and a father figure who had been missing from the Dursleys all the years.

    Sirius was brave and never gave up. His greatest wish was to give Harry a home, a feeling of security and family, which both missed so much. But this dream was destroyed when Sirius was killed in the Bellatrix Lestrange Ministry. When he fell through the veil, it was as if Harry was losing another piece of himself.

    2nd place: Severus Snape

  • Result: 17 % with 208 votes
  • Severus Snape – the grim teacher that we thought for the villain for a long time. But then the truth came. Snape dies in Harry Potter and the sanctuaries of death (part 2) when Voldemort Nagini rushes to him, believing that Snape’s death would give him control over the elder staff.

    His death is brutal and cold, but what comes afterwards hits you much deeper.

    When Harry Snape’s memories looks at, the truth is finally revealed. His love for Lily, his loyalty to Dumbledore and his victims for Harry and the good made him a real hero. Everything he did – his secrets, his victims, his facade – was to protect Harry and stop Voldemort.

    He obviously burned himself into your hearts forever. After all this time? – Always.

    1st place: Dobby

  • Result: 28 % with 345 votes
  • The little house elf has made it to first place at a large distance – and nobody is surprised. Dobby’s death is one of the most heartbreaking moments in the entire row. He dies in Harry Potter and the sanctuaries of death (part 1) when he saves Harry, Ron and Hermione from the country residence of the Malfoys. Bellatrix Lestrange throws a knife for him while they are disapped, which finally affects him.

    Dobby’s selfless victim to save Harry and his friends moved to tears like everyone – even after the 10th Rewatch. His last words to Harry – “Dobby is overjoyed that his friend is with him” – simply bring everything that made him so special: his unconditional love, his loyalty and his pure heart.

    He made himself immortal through his actions and secured a place at the top of your hearts.

    Thanks for participating!

    Did you expect the result? Would you have seen someone else ahead? We are happy to tell us in the comments which death moved you the most and why. Would you like another ranking or a similar survey? We look forward to your suggestions. Meinmmo author Linda Baumgartl also ranked the 10 saddest deaths in Game of Thrones-do you agree?
