The 10 best sports for back pain

The 10 best sports for back pain

Even if you have back pain, you must continue to move and practice a sporting activity at the risk of softening and accentuating the pain. But you have to choose your sport carefully because some are more beneficial than others. Here are the 10 best sports for back pain.

Even with back pain, physical activity is recommended, even essential“, insists Charlène Chéron, chiropractor, from the outset. However, certain rules must be respected so as not to risk accentuating the pain and becoming discouraged:

► Warm up well before each session,

► Perform the movements step by step respecting his rhythm,

► Be guided by a coach or trainer who will be able to give good advice on gestures and postures and allow you to properly prepare your body and avoid injuries, especially at the beginning of the practice.

Moreover, whether certain sports should be avoided when you have back pain, certain physical activities are recommended. here are the 10 best sports for back pain.

1. Walking

There walking and its variants such as Nordic walking or hiking are particularly indicated in case of back pain. “These activities make it possible to strengthen the back and strengthen the muscles of the posture while maintaining the physiological curvatures of the spine.says our specialist. In addition, it is a soft and easy sport to set up, which does not require particular techniques and very few means..”

If possible, try to ndon’t wear a backpack or a bag as light as possible.

Prioritize short and regular outings (half an hour to 45 minutes) rather long walks of 3 hours.

Bring yourself good shoes with a small heel to cushion your steps. The heel cup should not be too high so as not to risk twisting your ankle.

Sticks can be used in Nordic’s walk to move the arms in synergy with the legs and to strengthen the whole back. “They will unload the weight of the body at the level of the knees and make it possible to avoid traumatisms“explains Charlène Chéron.

See to do not take too long strides : this will pull on the hips and amplify the pain in the pelvis and certain lumbar vertebrae. Instead, take smaller, faster steps.

2. Swimming

Ie backstroke is particularly indicated in case of back pain. “This stroke best respects the natural curvatures of the body and helps strengthen the abdominal strap as well as the spine muscles. The breaststroke, especially if it is not sunk (i.e. the head above water) is not recommended because it digs into the back and promotes pain“says our interlocutor.

3. Aquagym

Exercising in water reduces body weight and the feeling of heaviness. I’aquagym or aquabike are often taught by coaches who offer exercises that strengthen the back muscles and are suitable for people with back pain.

4. The bike

Cycling is recommended in case of back pain. Nevertheless, “privilege VTC (all-road bike) or electric bike to avoid slouching towards the handlebars, having a round back and head forward. These models allow a seated position where the back is fairly straight. Finally, try to make regular pedal movements“, advises the specialist.

5. Pilates

Pilates is highly recommended in case of back pain. “It has the advantage of strengthen posture muscles (extensor muscles of the head, trunk, thigh, foot and leg) and deep muscles (psoas, iliac, ilio dorsal, long dorsal, intervertebral, supraspinatus). It also helps stretch the muscles too much stress on a daily basis and to find a good balance beneficial for the back“, says Charlène Chéron.

6. Yoga

Yoga is a discipline that consists of working on postures, maintaining a certain flexibility and doing breathing exercises.

► “Pay attention to do not strain your back too much during certain stretching exercises at the risk of accentuating certain pains“, warns the expert.

Avoid practicing yoga at home by following videos on the internet or on TV and prefer lessons with a coach who will be able to correct your postures and give you advice so as not to injure yourself.

7. Tai Chi and Qigong

These disciplines are highly recommended for back pain, as they combine performing slow movements, breathing and concentration exercises. These soft gyms allow people who have back pain to slowly and gradually regain awareness of their body“, indicates the chiropractor. Good to know : Qi Gong is officially recommended by good practice guides for patients suffering from chronic neck pain, i.e. pain in the neck.

8. Body Balance

Body Balance, a mixture of pilate, yoga and Tai Chi, is a soft, complete and particularly recommended sport in case of back pain: it combines posture exercises and stretching slowly.

9. Dance

Dancing combines the strengthening of muscles and the maintenance of flexibility, which reduces back pain.

The dances indicated in case of back pain : ballroom dancing, classical dance and modern jazz.

Dancing not recommended in case of back pain : African dance which can traumatize the muscles of the lower back and neck.

10. Back gym

The back gym was originally set up specifically for people who have undergone surgery or who suffer from chronic back pain. From now on, this discipline is practiced in several cities and consists in strengthen the muscles of the support of the back and the abdominal strap while avoiding sudden movements of the back.

How many times per week ?

The ideal is to practice a sports session of 30 to 45 minutes two to three times a week. “If you walk 20 to 30 minutes a day, one session may be enough“, advises the specialist.

Thanks to Charlène Chéron, chiropractor.
