What is actually the best MMORPG? Every player answers this question differently. We at MeinMMO therefore look at the average ratings at Metacritic and tell you what the best games are according to their test results. There are a few surprises.
What is this list? This list focuses solely on reviews from Metacritic testers. The focus is on the test result for the base game for release.
So it can happen that some MMORPGs were initially rated really well, but later dropped because new content was not delivered quickly. Conversely, there are also games that have improved over time or with new expansions, such as Final Fantasy XIV.
Next week we’ll bring you another list where we look at the best MMORPG expansions according to Metacritic.
These are places 10 to 6
5th place – Warhammer Online
setting: Fantasy | developer: Mythic Entertainment | platform: PC | release date: September 18, 2008 | Rating on Metacritic: 86
What was that game? Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning was called a big WoW killer before the release, but can no longer be played. It was shut down on December 19, 2013. It’s one of the MMORPGs that our readers want back the most.
There was classic PvE content like crafting and quests, with the game’s focus being PvP. So it was fought in smaller battlegrounds, but also on huge battlefields.
Warhammer Online was really well received when it was released. It sold over 1.2 million copies and at its peak it had more than 800,000 subscribers. Many of the testers were also enthusiastic.
In a perfect world, the biggest MMORPG today would be World of Warhammer
What is the best rating on Metacritic? The website GameSpy gave it a whopping 100 (via GameSpy). In their test, they praise the feeling of being in a constant war. That would be generated by the graphics and the “Warhammer feeling” as well as by the good PvP system.
There was also praise for the decent release without major technical difficulties, the quests and the social content that made finding groups and guilds very easy.
What is the worst rating on Metacritic? The worst rating is a 70 and it came from both PC PowerPlay and Edge Magazine. However, there is only a short summary of both sides on Metacritic, since the sides no longer exist.
Edge Magazine wrote something like:
The strongest MMO launch in a long time and the slickest take on the genre in terms of PVP – but its allure might prove to be lacking.
5 Old MMORPGs That Are Still Actively Played
How is the MMORPG doing today? The original Warhammer Online is no longer playable. Especially in the endgame, the MMORPG struggled and felt unfinished. Some “gamebreaking bugs” also stayed in the game for too long. In the end it failed due to the superiority of WoW.
But there is a private server that has been in operation for several years. This server even gets constant updates, including new events. So if you miss Warhammer Online, you should take a closer look at this server.