That’s why you’ll be scrutinized at the cash register – this week

Thats why youll be scrutinized at the cash register

Between October 21 and 27, it is likely that you will be checked extra carefully when you are in the grocery store to shop. Above all if you use the self-scan or pay at the express checkout.

The reason is that thefts are increasing in the country’s stores.

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Facts: Shoplifting

  • In 2023, 47,558 thefts from stores around the country were reported. It was then an increase of 10 percent compared to 2022.
  • In 2023, only 33 percent of all reported thefts from stores were resolved. Which was then also a reduction from 2022 – by one percent.
  • Source: The Crime Prevention Council (GOOD)

    Now they want to access the thefts in the stores

    During the week Security Week 2024 is taking place and with this Svensk Handel has now gone out and informed that this year’s slogan is: “Scan correctly”.

    On his homepage writes industry and employer organization why this year they are targeting self-scanning in business.

    “With the ‘Scanna Rätt’ campaign, Swedish Trade wants to shed light on the problem with, and the consequences of, a worrying trend of more and more thefts being committed at self-checkout and self-scanning. The consequences can be great, and you as a consumer also risk being affected when the service in the store is limited. Every theft counts – every theft is a crime.”

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    News24 has asked Swedish Trade to find out the background to the campaign and how it might affect customers in all the country’s stores.

    Primarily, it is about wanting to encourage companies to report all crimes that are committed. With that, they hope to break the theft trend, with the help of the so-called Security Week, which now prevails all over Sweden.

    “Security Week is a week when we call on businesses in the trade to report all crimes they are exposed to. The industry is extremely prone to crime, and unfortunately there are far too many who do not report crimes, as it rarely leads to charges or convictions. In our conversations with the responsible authorities, they emphasize the importance that the vulnerability to crime must be visible in the statistics, of which we organize a safety week every year to spread this message further,” writes Svensk Handel’s press manager Viktor Schmidt in an email to Nyheter24.

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    Photo: Martina Holmberg/TTPhoto: Pontus Lundahl/TT 70 percent of thefts occur during self-scanning

    Schmidt explains that this year, particular emphasis is placed on theft within the self-service cash registers. And this, in turn, may mean that the stores are extra vigilant at the tills so that the ever-increasing risk of theft is minimized.

    “70 percent of thefts in the grocery trade take place through the self-service checkouts. And a total of SEK 10.5 billion is stolen annually in the entire trade. It is a big problem, which can have consequences in the form of, for example, the shops closing down. This needs to change, of which the theme for this year’s security week is ‘Scan Right’ ”.

    Although it is difficult to answer exactly how many crimes are committed in Swedish commerce, Schmidt highlights the importance of companies doing the right thing for themselves.

    “It is important to emphasize that the statistics are misleading, as very many crimes in trade are unfortunately not reported. We want to change this through our safety week,” Schmidt concludes by writing to Nyheter24.

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