That’s why you should prune your pallet leaves in autumn – according to the plant expert

Autumn is here, and it is high time to bring in your palette leaves from the garden or balcony. As a rule, pallet leaves cannot survive in temperatures below ten degrees and must therefore be kept indoors during the winter months.

News24 have previously spoken to the plant expert Hans Jensen about how to make your pallet leaves survive the winter, you can read more about that here.

Therefore, you should prune your pallet leaves in the fall

One thing that could keep one’s palette leaves happy throughout the winter months is if you prune them a little, says plant expert Hans Jensen.

– It is good to prune them a little before winter and take cuttings, which are then rooted and ready for spring, he tells Nyheter24.

This is how you get rid of vermin on your pallet leaves – the plant expert advises

Then the pallet leaves start to grow again

But he is careful to point out that they should not be pruned too hard in the autumn.

– Don’t cut it down completely now, it will tolerate it better in the spring when it starts to grow again, says Hans Jensen to Nyheter24.

This is how you get your palette leaves to keep their shape – according to the expert
