That’s why you should pick your green tomatoes now

Thats why you should pick your green tomatoes now

Tomatoes are considered relatively easy to grow, both on the balcony, in the kitchen windows and in the garden. They thrive in the sun and pretty much take care of themselves if they only get water.

READ MORE: That way you get a lot of fruit on your tomato plants

Tomato plants need a lot of sunlight

To thrive and develop a lot of fruit, they need to be in sunlight for at least six hours a day.

– Tomatoes need a lot of sun to develop fruit. Place the plant in a location where it receives at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day, the plant expert explained Hans Jensen for News24 at the beginning of summer.

READ MORE: This is why your tomato plant gets yellow leaves

After the summer, the tomatoes are ready to harvest

If you have taken good care of your tomato plants during the summer and made sure they got enough sunlight and water, you should have big, nice tomatoes that are ready to harvest now.

When the tomatoes are red (if it is such a variety) they are ripe. However, there is great reason to collect them already now, even if they are green.

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Tomatoes are sensitive to colder weather

Tomatoes are very sensitive to frost and in autumn a single cold night can destroy your entire harvest. Therefore, it is smart to bring in the green unripe tomatoes already now and let them ripen indoors.

When the temperature drops below ten degrees, the tomatoes will stop ripening on their stem, so bringing them in before then can be good.

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Green tomatoes are edible

Tomatoes can be eaten even when they are green and can create a completely new taste experience, so you shouldn’t be afraid to take them in just because they don’t have a classic red color.

Source: Grow Here, Howl and Gothenburg Botanical Garden.
