That’s why they want to belong to a Sámi village: “To reconnect with the roots”

The proposal is one of the major topics of debate at the Sámi Parliament’s plenum in Arvidsjaur. The critics fear that it would lead to a split in the Sami group.

– We are responsible for the reindeer husbandry in the area vis-à-vis other stakeholders and authorities, to get a split there when you might start looking at other interests, your own interests, not looking at the whole, says Johan Lundgren, chairman of the Östra Kikkejaur Sami village.

Asked three non-reindeer owners

SVT Sápmi asked three people who today are not members of a Sami village about why they want to be.

– We must be allowed to participate in all the rights that the Sami have. After all, we have this thing with hunting and fishing, which today is solely for the Sami village’s account above the cultivation limit, says Stig Vännberg, Sorsele.

Become a full member

Already today, an individual Sami village can open to non-reindeer owners. Lilian Mikaelsson has such a non-full membership in Udtja skogssameby.

– I don’t have full democratic rights. With the new proposal, I would be able to decide more, she tells SVT Sápmi.

SSR rejected the proposal

At the same time that the issue is being discussed at the Sámi Parliament’s plenum in Arvidsjaur, it is being discussed in the various referral bodies.

The ongoing national meeting of the National Confederation of Swedish Sami in Piteå decided, for example, during Thursday morning to reject the proposal for Sami village organization citing that it conflicts with the government’s directive.

See the entire survey in the clip above.
