Almost everyone has them at home, but where do they come from and how do you get rid of them?
A banana fly can lay four to five hundred eggs in its lifetime.
– You will not get rid of them overall, says Thomas Persson Vinnersten, biologist and entomologist.
Banana flies love overripe fruit. This is where they lay their eggs. When the larvae then develop and hatch, you have 400-500 new pets at home.
The procedure is quick. The eggs hatch in between eight and ten days.
– The favorite fruits are the very overripe bananas, says Thomas Persson.
Take care not to have overripe fruit at home during the late summer period. Remove the compost, wash out the compost bin, empty the rubbish, says Thomas Persson Vinnersten.
– It could also be that you have very untidy things at home, which means that the flies thrive extra well, he says.
Buy or build a trap?
Late summer is the high season and then it can be good to set out your banana fly trap. It is possible to buy, but the easiest thing is to build one.
Wine works perfectly. They are drawn to the acetic acid, preferably old wine left over from yesterday.
Doesn’t care about his dead buddies
Once you build the trap, it can remain. Preferably with something sweet such as honey in it.
They are drawn to the sweet fructose. When asked if they can’t figure out that it’s a trap if they see lots of dead friends in there, Persson says they don’t care.
– They are not very intelligent creatures, but all insects are fantastic, says Persson, who would like to have some specimens to study at home.
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