That’s why Sofia Geite disappears from Nyhetsmorgon

Thats why Sofia Geite disappears from Nyhetsmorgon

News morning is broadcast every day of the week on TV4. In the program, news is interspersed with various features and cooking.

A popular duo that usually keeps viewers company on Fridays is Sofia Geite and Steffo Törnquist. A dou who often laughs easily, like in midsummer when everything is not quite as planned.

During the broadcast on Midsummer Eve, the program was guested by the gardener Linda Schillén who talked about how to take care of home-grown potatoes. But when the duo was about to fish out one of the potatoes, they couldn’t help but laugh. And Steffo Törnquist exclaims:

– Donald Duck!

– A real duck, laughs Sofia Geite.

READ MORE: The miss in Nyhetsmorgon at midsummer: “Winnie the Pooh”

Therefore, Sofia Geite disappears

Judging from the fits of laughter that Geite offers from time to time in Nyhetsmorgon, she seems to like her job. But during Saturday’s broadcast, she announces that she will be away for a period.

Reason? She goes on vacation.

She also announces that she is going on vacation on her Instagram. “So fun to be able to broadcast Nyhetsmorgon Saturday like this in the hours before the holidays. Hope you’re with us,” she writes in the post.

Baker Alva Odelbrick also made his last broadcast before the holidays. On Nyhetsmorgon’s Instagram story, both say goodbye to the viewers.


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Viewers: “You’re the best”

Will viewers miss the host? Yes, it seems so if you look at the comments that have rolled in on Sofia Geite’s Instagram post. At the time of writing, the post has 74 comments and some of them read like this:

“A super professional is what you are Sofia. So down-to-earth, well-read, easy-going and can take people in a superb way! You are a media anchor! Have a nice holiday.”

“Sofia you are the best! Have a nice holiday!”

“You are so nice and happy. Have a nice holiday.”

The comment field on Sofia Geite’s Instagram post. Photo: Screenshot/Instagram/Sofia Geite


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