That’s why Kiri is the most important character for the future of the sci-fi series

Thats why Kiri is the most important character for the

Avatar 2: The Way of Water was released 13 years after Pandora. The sequel brings back familiar characters like Neytiri and Jake. But the focus is clearly on the couple’s children. One teen from the Gen Z Na’vi clique stands out: Kiri, the Pandora superhero without a father. Spoilers follow.

Wait, who’s Kiri again?

Kiri is the daughter of Dr. Grace Augustine. The researcher was played by Sigourney Weaver in Part 1, she died in the finale. Fun fact: Sigourney Weaver also embodies her film daughter in part 2. Her facial expressions, her movements and, in the original version, her voice were transferred to Kiri via performance capture. dr Grace Augustine transitioned between her human and Na’vi bodies in Part 1. However, Kiri grew up in Grace’s Na’vi body. So she has all the features of a “man-made” Na’vi, ie eyebrows and five fingers.

20th Century Fox

Kiri loves the nature of Pandora

So far, so understandable. Now we come to nebulous territory. Because Kiri is surrounded by a number of secrets

These are the open Kiri questions

  • Who is Kiri’s father?
  • Where does her close bond with Eywa come from?
  • Why does her body react to being linked to Eywa with a seizure?
  • How can she control the nature and animals of Pandora?
  • How important is Kiri to saving Pandora?
  • We go through the puzzles in order and work our way up to an outlook on the Avatar parts 3 to 5. Because director James Cameron obviously has big plans for this character.

    Who is Kiri’s father?

    Several sections in the film revolve around the Ask about Kiri’s father. Their lineage is discussed most intensively when Spider, Lo’ak and Kiri go to the laboratory. The teenagers here speculate about the possible sexual partners of Grace Augustine. Her fellow researcher Norm Spellman (Joel David Moore) comes into play, but rather jokingly. Grace’s pregnancy seems to just…happened.

    Avatar 2 answers the question about Kiri’s father clearly ambiguous: There isn’t one. Kiri has no father. The film alludes to an “Immaculate Conception”. Kiri would thus be a biblical, Jesus-like redeemer figure. Other film passages fit the theory.

    Superheroine on Pandora: What can Kiri do?

    20th Century Fox

    What powers does Kiri have?

    In the first third, Avatar 2 describes Kiri’s strong bond with nature. She involuntarily falls asleep in the grass and spends hours watching sand in the water. In an intimate conversation, Kiri confesses to her foster father, Jake, how close she feels to Eywa, the ecological system of Pandora. Then it becomes clear: Kiri’s connection to nature goes deeper. As she mates with the Eywa, she suffers a dangerous seizure – as if her young mind and body cannot handle the power flowing through her.

    In the finale, Avatar 2 shows what Kiri is really made of: She can control the rich flora and fauna of Pandora like no other. She controls corals to keep enemy mercenaries at bay. She sends out a school of glowing fish to find Neytiri and Tuktirey in the sinking ship.

    This is how important Kiri becomes in Avatar 3 to 5

    Avatar 2 Great pics, but TERRIBLELY LONG! Review

    The mysterious circumstances of her origin, her bond with Eywa and her special abilities inspire theories: Reddit speculates that Kiri could be Eywa’s avatar.

    One more way: Kiri is the earthly extension of Pandora’s immune system. When humans venture into the jungle, wild animals instinctively pounce on them. That’s why the evil mercenary troupe around Quaritch (Stephen Lang) moves through the world in Na’vi bodies.

    Kiris “Eywa Sensitivity” remembers alternative superhero characters like Neo in The Matrix or Eleven in Stranger Things, who, with their supernatural abilities, become human secret weapons for good and make the difference in the fight against overwhelming evil. Avatar 2 prepares for this development. James Cameron now has enough time to develop Kiri’s character because, if everything goes well, there are 3 more films to come.

    Everything indicates that as the saga progresses, Kiri will become its central character: the main force in the war against the human invaders.

    Avatar 2: Is this the best blockbuster of the last 13 years?!

    In the current issue of the FILMSTARTS podcast on the screen, moderator Sebastian, editor Pascal and our guest David Hain talk about “Avatar 2: The Way Of Water”. All important questions are clarified: Was it worth the wait? Is the mega blockbuster just technically convincing or are the emotions there too? And what do Nazi zombies on the dark side of Pandora have to do with it?

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