That’s why it’s war in Nyhetsmorgon’s comment section: “Save”

Thats why its war in Nyhetsmorgons comment section Save

News morning airs on TV4 every morning of the week. Together with the presenters, the viewers are accompanied for several hours and are entertained by a lot of different types of features.

During Thursday’s News Morning, the studio was visited by two representatives of the non-profit association “Youth 2030 movement”, which works with young people’s place in democracy, to talk about the age limit for voting rights. In the studio, they argued for lowering the right to vote from 18 to 16.

Photo: Screenshot/TV4

Crazy million rain in Nyhetsmorgen – scraped five million

The feature received both praise and praise

It is not unusual for the program’s elements to arouse reactions in social media. And this was no exception. Afterwards, the feature received both rice and praise on Nyhetsmorgon’s Instagram, some viewers completely agreed and others did not share the opinion.

But what seemed to be a good tone in the comment section then develops into a storm of criticism against TV4, which according to the comments has to do with them having deleted several people’s comments.

Steffo Törnquist’s blunder in Nyhetsmorgon: “Oh god, sorry”

Viewers rage against TV4: “No freedom of speech”

Several people testify that TV4 has deleted their comments dealing with the voting age, which has caused them to go through the roof. Here are some of the comments:

“Now they deleted what I just wrote”

“Why are you removing comments about people’s views on the 16 suffrage scare?”

“Seems to be very afraid of the people’s opinion coming forward.”

“On Nyhetsmorgon, you must not be critical, but just talk about how nice and nice everyone is and how the clothes are.”

“No freedom of speech here.”

News24 has sought TV4 for a comment.

Viewers mock the TV4 expert: “Sorry”
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Photo: Screenshot/Instagram/News morning
