That’s what the parties in the surrogate issue think

Should surrogacy be allowed in Swedish healthcare?

The moderates: YES, altruistically

Liberals: YES, altruistically

The Center Party: YES, altruistically

Sweden Democrats: NO

The Christian Democrats: NO

The Social Democrats: NO

The Left Party: NO

The Green Party: Not taken a position

This is how the parties feel about the Swedish rules that apply to surrogate arrangements abroad

The moderates (summarized): Want to see reduced bureaucracy and increased mobility through international agreements for Swedish families whose children came to be through surrogacy. I want the legislation to be clarified so that the children in Sweden have a better legal situation. “There are testimonies of protracted and uncertain processes with authorities and municipalities. It is not acceptable”.

The Liberals: “The starting point for children born to a surrogate mother abroad should be that the child’s legal ties to his two parents must be recognized under Swedish law, provided that the family law legislation in the other country is based on the same basic legal principles as the Swedish law.”

The Center Party (summarized): I think that the legal process where the child’s Swedish guardian is determined is long and uncertain. “This causes a very insecure situation for the children and their parents. Therefore, the legislation must become clearer and be based on the child’s safety and right to their legal guardians who have already been legally established in another country.”

The Sweden Democrats (summarized): Points out that the legislation does not allow surrogate arrangements even if it is not punishable. The party wants to see an international ban on surrogate arrangements to avoid women from poorer countries being exploited. “We believe that children should not be treated as commodities and women should never be considered as baby factories to produce children for the childless in more affluent countries.”

The Christian Democrats (summarized): I think it is important for free movement that parentage that is recognized in a European country is also recognized in Sweden. The party believes that the current rules for investigation and determination of parentage should continue to apply. On the other hand, I do not think that the parentage regulation takes sufficient account of the children’s right to know their origin and therefore wants the surrogate issue to be removed from the EU’s parentage regulation.

The Social Democrats (summarized): Is against surrogate arrangements in Sweden and abroad, among other things, because of “the great risks of pressure and commercialization that we see and have seen in many other countries.” Thinks that there is a lack of sufficient knowledge regarding the consequences for children born after surrogate arrangements.

The Left Party (summarized): The children’s perspective needs to be strengthened and wants social services to be involved early to ensure that this does not happen. “The problems need to be dealt with, without creating regulations that involve steps towards making it legal.” The party wants to see tighter controls on the brokerage agencies.

The Green Party (summarized): “Swedish law must not be circumvented, at the same time the best interests of children must always come first. The surrogate industry is international and therefore international cooperation is also required to counter it”. The party proposes that the relevant authorities be tasked with informing about the current rules and about the risks of surrogate arrangements. Also wants to ban or take measures against commercial surrogacy.
