That’s what SR’s new jingle sounds like – created by Benny Andersson

Swedish Radio’s channel P2 has a new sound. And it is none other than ABBA founder Benny Andersson who composed it – and plays the piano himself.
– It’s a fun assignment, I said yes right away. A bit odd, he says to the radio.

From today, April 29, the SR channel P2 gets a new sound identity between the features. In the channel, which mainly broadcasts classical music, a brand new radio jingle can now be heard. And the composer is Abba legend Benny Andersson.

The jingles were recorded together with the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra at the beginning of the year and it is Benny Andersson himself who plays the piano. In addition to piano, celesta and flute can also be heard.

– It’s quite a fun job, I’ve made 37 different ones to see if the glove fits, he says Swedens radio.

And of the 37 variants, a number were selected by a working group on the radio channel under the leadership of presenter Ella Petersson.

Never done anything like it

The Abba icon says that he had never done this type of assignment before, but that he accepted on the spot.

“It’s interesting to see if you can make a jingle instead of two hours of musical music,” he says.

The recordings are mixed by Abbas’ sound engineer Bernard Löhr, who has worked with Benny Andersson since the 80s.
