That’s what Putin says when he gets irritated

Thats what Putin says when he gets irritated

Published: Just now

Vladimir Putin’s close advisers have stopped giving him bad news about the war.

That’s what Newsweek writes with reference to a Russian channel on Telegram.

According to the information, the president becomes “extremely irritated” and usually responds in a particular way when he is informed of setbacks.

Putin doesn’t get to hear the truth about the war in Ukraine because his advisers don’t want him to get angry. This is stated by the VCHK-OGPU channel on Telegram, one of Russia’s leading social media platforms.

In a post on Sunday, as referenced by Newsweekthe channel wrote that Putin “no longer receives reports of bad news, especially about the war” because it makes him “extremely irritated.”

The information is attributed to an anonymous source “with knowledge of the situation”. According to the channel, Putin usually responds in a particular way when he is informed of setbacks: That the messenger is “under the influence of propaganda from the West” and that he himself has “more reliable information from elsewhere”.

They get “constant access”

The president has a habit of rejecting people who report adversity, while those who bring good news have “constant access” to him, the channel also writes.

full screen Putin in a meeting in the Kremlin. Photo: Mikhail Klimentyev / AP

Newsweek has reached out to the Kremlin about the data, but has received no comment.

Released by the White House

The reports that Vladimir Putin surrounds himself with yes-sayers who tell him what he wants to hear are not unique.

Already at the end of March reported the American news agency AP that Putin is being misinformed by advisers who are afraid to give him the truth.

The information came from the US intelligence service and was officially released by the White House after it was declassified.

Biden: “Seems to isolate himself”

According to the spy report, Putin is not only being misled about setbacks on the battlefield in Ukraine. Nor does he get to hear about the real economic consequences of the sanctions from the outside world, AP wrote.

– One of the Achilles heels of a dictatorship is that you don’t have people in such a system who speak the truth to power or have the ability to speak the truth to power. I think that’s what we’re seeing in Russia, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said during a visit to Algeria on March 30.

The next day, President Joe Biden made a similar statement.

– He appears to be isolating himself and there are indications that he has fired some of his advisers or put them under house arrest, he said according to Reuters.

full screen Vladimir Putin. Photo: Gavriil Grigorov / AP
