That’s what Nils Molinder thinks of this year’s contestants in the Chefs’ Battle

Thats what Nils Molinder thinks of this years contestants in

Nils Molinder, 55, the fish fry or Elf as he is also called, is one of Sweden’s foremost chefs and is particularly skilled when it comes to seafood.

Nils Molinder runs several famous restaurants

Together with his brother Eric Molinder Nils runs several famous and sought-after restaurants and fish shops in the Stockholm area. Including Melander’s fish, Sjöpaviljongen, Wärdshuset Ulla Winbladh and legendary Wedholm’s fish.

He has carried his interest in fish and shellfish with him since childhood. When Nils was 13 years old, he was a primary school student and scrubbed crabs.

As an 18-year-old, he studied a two-year journeyman’s degree at the Grand Hotel. He then received a journeyman’s letter and became a chef.

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Photo: Lars Pehrson/SvD/TTNils Molinder started Melanders Group as a 19-year-old

When he was 19 years old, he co-founded Melanders Group together with his brother, Boss Malmqvist and Inger Stridsberg. Melander’s fish in Östermalmshallen had been for sale and the Molinder brothers pounced.

– It was fantastic to be able to open our own and we quickly gained a clientele, he has told Better.

The company then expanded and opened several shops and restaurants with a focus on seafood.

Today, Melanders Group has approximately 650 employees and around 20 restaurants. And if Nils has to choose a favorite restaurant in his empire, he chooses Wedholm’s fish in central Stockholm.

– It is the crowning glory, with the very finest ingredients. We’ve had it since 1997, and to this day many of the dishes on the menu are the same as when we opened, he told Better.

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Nils cooks lobster on Melander’s fish in Östermalmshallen in 2001. Photo: Jurek Holzer/SvD/TTNils Molinder came second in the Chefs’ Battle 2015

In 2015, Nils competed in TV4’s fourth season of “Kokkarna kamp”. He made it to the final where he was pitted against Peter J Skogström and finally finished in second place.

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They compete in the Chefs’ Battle All star 2024

Now it’s time for the fish king to compete again in the Chefs’ Battle, this time in the All Star season. The program began to be broadcast on September 17.

This year, Nils will meet the skilled chefs Thomas Sjögren, Louise Johansson, Håkan Thörnström, Jonas Lagerström, Tea Malmegård, David Enmark, Jessie Sommarström, Erik Videgård and Desiree Jaks as well as the challengers Tommy Myllymäki, Tareq Taylor and Daniel Couette.

READ MORE: TV4 shocks viewers with the participants in the new Chefs’ Battle

Photo: Jakob Dahlström/TV4/Pressbild That’s what Nils Molinder thinks of the other participants

When News24 comes into contact with Nils, he is excited to say the least about the new season and said that it has been a very fun season to record.

– It was, to say the least, incredibly fun to come back to Kokkarna kamp a whole nine years later.

He also takes the opportunity to tell us what was the most fun about recording the new season and what he thinks of the other participants.

– Absolutely the most fun this year is a fantastic casting with a great group who compete, laugh and hang out, he says in a comment to Nyheter24.

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