That’s not all! Everything happens in sleep, what is sexomnia? Is there a treatment?

Thats not all Everything happens in sleep what is sexomnia

Sleep is one of our most basic needs. Many people talk, walk or even eat while they sleep. However, when he wakes up, he cannot remember the movements he made while asleep. There are many problems with sleep situations. Sexomnia is also among these problems. Sexomnia, that is, sleeping sex disease, can be defined as sexual intercourse during sleep. At the same time, patients may also have a tendency to masturbate while sleeping. For the patient, having sexual desire during sleep becomes an uncontrollable problem. Sexomnia is a condition that should be treated rather than shamed.


Doctors list the factors that can cause this disease as follows:

  • lack of sleep
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Tiredness
  • Routinely used drugs
  • Alcohol consumption

  • Irregular sleep


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There are various treatment methods for this ailment, which can be defined as a sleep-related sex disorder. Most of the time, several of these treatment methods should be applied together. Sexomnia can often be the result of different sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome. Therefore, together with the treatment of such underlying disorders, sleep sex disease can also be treated. If the patient started using a new drug before the onset of sleep sickness, this drug may be triggering this disorder. Therefore, changing the newly started drug under the supervision of a doctor may help to eliminate the discomfort. Conditions such as depression, anxiety and stress can cause sexomnia and sleep disorders. Taking medications or psychiatric therapy for such ailments can make sleep sex sickness go away.
