The meteorological autumn occurs when there is an autumn temperature – below ten degrees – for five consecutive days.
And as summer draws to a close and the outdoor temperature begins to drop, it’s not just people who, to a greater extent, start staying indoors to avoid the fall dust.
Rodents of various kinds also seek places indoors at this time of year, which often means unwelcome visits to homes and holiday homes.
– They are looking for warm places to live and food if there is any, says Magnus Rosenholmpest expert at Anticimex, to News24.
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Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT
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Then is the high season for cleaning mice
During last year, the company Anticimex, which, among other things, deals with pest control, showed statistics that they carried out 30 percent more cleanings of mice in week 39 compared to week 36. In other words, it is in October that the mice seem to find their way into homes.
Photo: Erik Simander/TT
November is also a month with a lot of clean-ups and it is not until February that the season usually starts to slow down, according to Anticimex.
– The mice unfortunately cause many problems for a house if they manage to get in, have Thomas Persson Winner stonebiologist and pest expert at Anticimex, said in a press release previous.
Photo: Terje Bendiksby/NTB/TTMössen makes his way through small spaces
Preventing mice from entering homes and holiday homes is not simple. The size of the animals means that they can easily use even the smallest of spaces to pay a visit to your home.
– Mice enter through small cracks and cavities. They can be as small as around 0.5 to 1 centimeter, explains Magnus Rosenholm.
According to Anticimex, it is therefore essential that penetrations of various types are tight. Many people forget, for example, to make sure that the penetrations to element pipes are kept tight.
Photo: Fredrik Sandberg /TT
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Avoid attracting the mice
In addition to this, you can try to make the home as unattractive as possible for the mice. This is done, for example, by ensuring that there is no debris left in the attic and basement, and by cleaning out the pantry and sealing packages of food.
You should also be careful not to have candles lying around. The mice like to feast on the candles.
Photo: Bertil Ericson/TT
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Mice can settle in the walls
But it is not always obvious that mice have visited. Many times they do not move so that we can see them.
– The mice find nice places to live in the insulation of the walls, under the floor or in the attic. So if you don’t see the mice, you hear them running, which sounds like scratching. You can also hear their beeping sound, says Magnus Rosenholm.
Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT
If you discover that you have mice in the walls, what can you do on your own?
– We recommend all home owners to take preventive measures in the first place to avoid the mice being able to get in, emphasizes Rosenholm, but continues further:
– Alternatively, impact traps can be used. In case of major problems, we recommend seeking professional help.
If it is the case that you choose to place impact traps, you should actually preferably avoid the classic piece of cheese. Namely, it tends to dry quickly, which then means that the mice are not attracted to eat it in the same way as when it is fresh. According to Anticimex, you can instead place nougat or chocolate in the trap.
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