That’s how much you can earn by changing your title

Changing titles can add thousands of dollars to the wallet, but still many people seem to see their job title as an unshakable fact.
Nine out of ten academics answered in a survey that they never brought up the title for negotiation with their boss.

There is much to be gained and little to be lost by daring to have the discussion, believes Caroline Lindeberg, negotiator and salary expert at the trade union behind the survey Akavia. But you should do it at the right time, is her advice.

The worst that can happen is that they say no.

According to the union’s salary statistics, based on around 44,000 members, the median salary is on average SEK 20,000 higher per month for, for example, a financial manager than a financial manager. And the difference between a communications manager and a communications manager is almost as big, just over SEK 18,000 a month.

Not just the salary

But it’s not just about salary at all. If you later change jobs, the titles in your CV are crucial, as employers often use search engines to find suitable candidates. The correct title is a must in order to be eligible for certain positions.

A nicer title also facilitates communication with actors outside the company, for example customers, financial actors or the media, emphasizes Caroline Lindeberg.

If you are about to get a new job, the right time to raise the issue is at the end of the process, when you have been offered the position.

Then there is a greater probability that you will come to an agreement. They want you. Then a little power comes back to the applicant, says Caroline Lindeberg.

Golden opportunity

If you want to bring the title up for negotiation at a later stage, her advice is to take it up in an employee or development interview. An ongoing reorganization can also in some cases be a golden opportunity.

Then you can have the chance to sneak in this small change and say: “Since we are changing here, maybe we can take the opportunity to clarify my role?”

But how many are actually mistitled? Caroline Lindeberg cannot answer that, but her experience is that smaller companies often bring in junior employees who are given more senior tasks in order to push down the salary.

Facts: Differences in title and average salary

Some examples of titles and median salary, based on data on approximately 44,000 graduates in 2023:

Finance manager SEK 70,000 a month – finance manager SEK 50,000.

Accounting manager 67,500 – accounting manager 52,500.

System developers 50,300 – programmers 48,700.

System scientists 47,000 – developers (within IT) 45,000.

Communications manager 71,000 – communications manager 52,700.

Marketing manager 74,500 – marketing manager 50,000.

HR manager 70,000 – HR manager 55,000.

Personnel manager 41,200 – HR administrator 33,000.

Source: Akavia
