That’s how long the summer heat lasts

We leave another summer day behind us.
And we can count on doing that in the next ten days.
– It is the high pressure that makes it continue to be sunny, says TV4’s meteorologist Elisabeth Danielsson.

The summer weather continues.

– Today we had another great summer day. 27.2 degrees in Gävle.

All over Götaland and Svealand, the weather gods have offered real high summer heat. But along the Norrland coast, on the other hand, temperatures have dropped somewhat.

– They were at 17 degrees today. It was over 26 degrees yesterday in Piteå, so it is a cold front that has moved down there and is temporarily making it a little cooler in the northern parts of the country, says Elisabeth Danielsson.

“It wasn’t so bad, was it?”

But what will the rest of the summer look like? It is too early to tell, says the meteorologist.

– In order to see that far ahead, the pressure systems out in the Atlantic need to settle down completely, either that it is low pressure or high pressure. And they haven’t done that yet, they’re dribbling back and forth a bit.

On the other hand, the forecast stretches quite a bit ahead.

– For the next ten days it will continue to be around 20 degrees warm. It’s not so bad, is it? says Elisabeth Danielsson.
