That’s how Jonathan Johansson met his wife Chiara

In “So much better” Jonathan Johansson tells how it happened when he met Chiara.
She who turned out to be his great love – who today is his wife.
– I took a plane to New York, really for profit and loss, says the artist.

Jonathan Johansson is one of the artists in this autumn’s “So much better”. In Saturday’s episode, he dedicates an interpretation to his wife Chiara Romano Johansson and then tells how it happened when they met eleven years ago in Sicily.

– She couldn’t speak English and I couldn’t speak Italian, but we hung out for two days, says Jonathan.

A week later she moved to New York.

– The months passed. I was in Sweden, she was in New York. We talked a little on Facebook, but I couldn’t stop thinking about her, he continues.

“Five years later we got married”

They met for the first time in July, but it wasn’t until October of the same year that Jonathan got a gap in the schedule. So he asked if he could come and visit – and he got it.

– I took a plane to New York, really on a profit and loss basis, he says.

When he arrived in New York, Hurricane Sandy also swept through the city, which led to curfews and a shutdown of all of New York.

– We were locked up for three days and then you get to know each other. It could have been a disaster, it really could have been a disaster. And it could have been very strange if we realized that we just didn’t like each other. It would have been difficult, says Jonathan.

But that did not happen.

– It was completely insane. Five years later we got married.

Today, Jonathan and Chiara live their lives in Stockholm and have two children together.

Here Jonathan Johansson interprets “New York”

Today 21:55

Here Jonathan Johansson interprets Ellen Krauss’s “New York”

The song that Jonathan now interprets for his wife is Ellen Krauss’ “New York”. For him and Chiara, New York is holy ground, he explains.

– It can get emotional when you sing about your wife. I love her, huh? But she’s sickly spoiled, I think she has a record of songs that are about her, he says.

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