That’s how he thinks 10 years after the Charlie Sheen dispute

Thats how he thinks 10 years after the Charlie Sheen

It’s been over 10 years since Charlie Sheen was kicked out of Two and a Half Men. Back then his private escapades became more and more violent, which eventually led to a heated argument between the star and sitcom creator Chuck Lorre. Alan actor Jon Cryer recently spoke again about violent details of Sheen’s crash.

Showrunner Chuck Lorre also commented on Two and a Half Men a while ago. In the meantime he thinks differently again about the older episodes of the series.

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Chuck Lorre made peace with Two and a Half Men after Charlie Sheen row

In an interview with Variety, Lorre shared, among other things, that he’s retiring the older episodes of the hit sitcom after falling out with Sheen couldn’t watch for years. Years later, the showrunner seems to have overcome this problem. He even has praise for the star, who publicly insulted him at the time:

It’s really gratifying that what we did still works in a way. Time has passed and the episodes with Charlie are a joy to watch. There were a few years when I couldn’t watch it. It was too hurtful. I can enjoy them all now. You know he did a brilliant job. And the chemistry between him and [Co-Stars] Jon [Cryer] and Angus and Holland Taylor and, oh my god, Conchata Ferrell, who passed away. It was a wonderful cast.
That was a few months ago Charlie Sheen’s comeback series announced. He’s set to play himself in Entourage creator Doug Ellin’s Ramble On. A Two and a Half Men return, such as for a reunion special, is still possible. But there are also counterarguments. The 20 best series starts in July: Resident Evil and Mystery for Lost fans

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Are you still watching the Charlie Sheen episodes of Two and a Half Men?
