That’s how harshly the fans are criticizing the RTL show

Thats how harshly the fans are criticizing the RTL show

The Bachelorette has been running again on RTL+ for a few weeks now. After the latest season with Stella Stegmann didn’t even make it onto linear TV, the online community is also critical. You can find out here what really bothers the fans despite the drastic changes.

A breath of fresh air, exciting dynamics: The Bachelorette has changed

The latest season of the RTL long-running hit actually promised a lot of excitement: Bachelorette Stella Stegmann is bisexual and is dating men and women for the first time in the show’s history. Stegmann was presented completely differently than previous Bachelorettes: away from the prudish image of an elegant lady towards a woman who confidently lives out her sexuality. This openness was also clear in previous dates – it always comes back to the topic of sex.

Is that good for the show? A matter of taste. One thing is still clear: the current Bachelorette season is daring to make changes. The most exciting innovation comes from the inclusion of men and women as potential dating partners. How do the men behave on group dates and what do women talk about among themselves? Exciting insights into lived role models. Spicy: There was also a spark between the candidates – no wonder, given how bored they were in the villa.

The Bachelorette is rebuffed by the fans: the new season is so poorly received

Despite a breath of fresh air, the current Bachelorette season is not going down well with fans. The community vents its frustration, especially on Instagram. Interestingly, in addition to the usual criticism of the candidates, the focus is primarily on the format itself. Many fans are bothered by the fact that the current episode was structureless and without any highlights. In the past, when the show was still shown on linear TV, it always followed a comprehensible pattern, but things are different now.

A user expresses her criticism: “So the structure of the episode is unbelievable. In the episode, exactly nothing happened and not even a decision.” At the end she makes an appeal to RTL: “It’s really bad. Please, please change it again.” Another Instagram user also complains that the TV audience wasn’t offered enough: “Episode 7 was so boring… nothing new, boring dates, not progressing at all.”

A fan lets his anger out and decides on harsh words:

Cliffhangers that leave you perplexed, not because you can’t wait to see the resolution, but because you wonder what it’s all about. If you want to bury the format, then do so, but please do so quietly and painlessly and NOT LIKE THAT!

Ouch, even true fans are dissatisfied. It remains to be seen whether RTL will respond to the criticism.

This is how you can watch The Bachelorette

Season 11 of The Bachelorette will not be broadcast on RTL this year for the first time. Instead, the episodes appear as a stream on RTL+ every Monday. Older episodes and seasons can be viewed on the streaming service.
