The major parties, who know they will enter the EU Parliament, show more confidence and make the best election films if you ask media advisor Pål Ronge.
– The Sossars have Magdalena as their prime minister in some way. The Sweden Democrats, there it’s aggressive, it’s rock’n’roll. It’s full speed ahead. They want to speed up theirs. The moderates even treat themselves to being a little humorous with this elevator pitch, referring to moderate Tomas Tobé’s election film where he rides an elevator and gives an election speech.
“More anxious impression”
According to Ronge, the election films of the small parties give a more anxious impression. With their election films, they try to make their relatively unknown first names better known to the Swedish people. But it is difficult to do a few weeks before the election, says Paul Ronge.
He is most critical of the Center Party’s and the Liberals’ films.
– There is a greater nervousness there, I think you notice. If you take e.g. The Liberals and Karin Karlsbro. It’s a bit like “Who is Lennart” that the Center Party had a long time ago. That you wonder who she is and then she appears when she is to be elected. It’s a complication they have.
The films more important than the posters
However, the election films are important for all parties. They are significantly more effective than, for example, an election poster, according to Paul Ronge.
– I think they work. In this situation when there are such important issues, it’s about the borders. Right-wing extremist influence. It’s about Ukraine. So they are important and functional. Completely different from bland posters where you get to see a candidate who gets to shine with goodness and splendor simply because he is a good person. They want more, these movies.