Players in Destiny 2 can now not only appreciate each other. You can also become the ultimate role model in the community. But only if they complete a few challenges within a season to reach Guardian Rank 11. That’s why MeinMMO tells you which hidden and tricky tasks await you in guardian ranks 8-11.
Bungie wrote: “In order to better serve our goals, we have reduced the appreciation score required to complete goals at all Guardian tiers. Target descriptions will be updated in-game on March 16th to reflect the new appreciation requirements.”
– Rank 7: 460 (was 750)
– Rank 8: 790 (was 1,250)
– Rank 9: 1,290 (previously 1,750)
– Rank 10: 1,530 (from 5,000)
– Rank 11: 1,800 (was 6,000)
(Destiny2Team via Twitter)
We’ve already updated the new appreciation requirements in this article.
What are the custodian ranks in Destiny 2? With Lightfall, Bungie introduced a new system for players to show how skilled they are at the loot shooter. The Guardian Ranks, as the system is called, offer you a lot of new tasks to do.
Ranks 1-6 are still relatively easy to achieve because they are intended to offer new players a kind of tutorial on how Destiny works. It only gets more and more difficult from rank 8 onwards.
However, if you want the ultimate prestige to be considered a “Role Model” in Destiny 2, you’ll need to complete some of the game’s tough challenges and also own the latest DLC.
In this article we will tell you exactly which tasks in the system you have to do.
All quests to be completed for Guardian Rank 8 to 11
Most Guardians started at Rank 6 Veteran. Bungie has automatically granted this to its longtime players. But it goes from the ranks 8 for the status “justiciar” to the nitty-gritty.
Whoever completes the journey to Rank 11 has basically done everything in Destiny 2. And anyone who has done everything, no matter how difficult, should be familiar with it. Because to get those goals out of the ranks, you always need more experience, repetition, time and knowledge of the game.
It allows veterans to identify themselves as seasoned players and showcase their status as the “icon or paragon of the Guardianship” that every New Light in Destiny 2 respects.
Warden Rank 8: Justicar
These tasks await players in order to reach Rank 8
Warden Rank 9: Displacer
At rank 9 you become a “suppressor” – but only if you do not suppress the following tasks, but successfully complete them.
These tasks await players in order to reach Rank 9
Guardian Rank 10: Icon
From Guardian Rank 10, it’s all about appreciation. And Guardians who want to become iconic in Destiny 2 while still completing those Rank 10 tasks will need plenty of that.
These tasks await players in order to reach Rank 10
Warden Rank 11: Paragon
Now we come to the highest Guardian rank class, the “Role Model”. Anyone who has made it this far can already be proud. But these few tasks are still a last and also challenging hurdle.
These tasks await players in order to reach Rank 11
Don’t ignore your own appreciation
That’s why you should always rate other Guardians: The appreciations and appreciation points received are not the same, even if they are related to each other. The appreciations are solely from praise from other Guardians. However, you also get points for rating yourself.
These points are made up of the total number of Appreciation Points earned and awarded through group activities in the current Season. They are increased if you help players at lower ranks.
As a result, anyone who gives little or no praise to other guardians is doing themselves a disservice and then has noticeably fewer own appreciation points.
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Guardian Ranks reset every Season
Can I keep my Guardian rank? no Some of the Warden Tier Objectives in Destiny 2 are outlined with different colored boxes.
This means that the Guardian rank is partially reset every season. Precisely because some goals are tied to Season 20. Some of these goals are no longer available in Season 21 and will be replaced by new ones that should be completed again. It remains to be seen how many ranks Guardians really lose in the process.
How far have you gotten in your Guardian Rank? And are you still motivated now that you know what to expect? Tell us in the comments.
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