That way you get a lot of fruit on your tomato plants

That way you get a lot of fruit on your

Summer is here and many have started to grow and plant in their gardens and on their balconies. A popular plant, which is considered relatively easy to care for, is the tomato plant.

If you treat it right, it will produce abundant fruit and if you can give it a really bright and cool wintering place indoors, they can even be perennial.

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Photo: Alexandra Bengtsson/SvD/TTThat’s why you don’t get any tomatoes on your tomato plant

But despite the fact that the tomato plant is a relatively easy-care plant that mostly takes care of itself, many may experience problems with getting fruit.

News24 have spoken to the plant expert Hans Jensen about why your tomato plant does not produce tomatoes, and what you need to do to make it feel good.

For a tomato plant to bear fruit, the flowers need to be pollinated, otherwise you will not get tomatoes.

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That’s why you should shake your tomato plant

In order for the flowers to be pollinated, either sufficient wind is needed or insects shaking the plant.

– Tomatoes need vibrations to pollinate effectively. If the plant is indoors or in a protected area, it may happen that there is not enough wind or insects to shake the flowers, says Hans Jensen to Nyheter24.

What you may need to do if there are not enough natural pollinators is to gently brush your tomato plant yourself.

– Gently shake the plant or use a small brush to move the pollen from flower to flower.

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That’s how much sun tomato plants need

When the flowers are pollinated, you should protect them from strong wind and leave the plant in direct sunlight for large parts of the day.

– Strong wind can damage the plant and the flowers, so a sheltered location is preferable, says his Jensen and continues:

– Tomatoes need a lot of sun to develop fruit. Place the plant in a location where it receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day.

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