That is why you should vote early in the 2024 EU elections

That is why you should vote early in the 2024

Every five years it is time for Swedish citizens to vote in the EU elections. This year, more specifically on June 9, 2024, it’s that time again.

A total of 720 members are to be elected to the European Parliament from EU member states, and this year Sweden has 21 seats to be filled with representatives.

By casting your vote, you are helping to shape what the future of the European Union will look like, where Sweden has been a part of since January 1995.

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Photo: Erik Mårtensson/TTWhen can you vote early in the 2024 EU elections?

As of May 22, it is possible to vote early in the EU elections 2024. If for one reason or another you cannot vote on election day, June 9, you can vote early in a room intended for early voting.

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How do you vote early in the 2024 EU elections?

In order to be able to vote early, it is important that you are 18 years of age, have a voting card and ID with you. By going to a location designated for early voting anywhere in the country, you can cast your vote.

On The Electoral Authority’s website they list all polling stations, as well as stations intended for early voting.

In the event that you lack a valid identification document, it is instead important that a person over the age of 18 is present and can certify your identity. The person who then certifies your identity must be able to show their ID document.

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Voting card and ID document are required when you are going to vote early. Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TTCan everyone vote early in the 2024 EU elections?

Anyone who is eligible to vote, has turned 18 and has a voting card and a valid ID document can vote early in Sweden.

If you live abroad and have the right to vote, you can proceed in two different ways. Either by sending the vote by letter, or by early voting in a polling station where you are. This is usually at an embassy or consulate.

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Photo: Lars Pehrson/SvD/TTTherefore you should vote early in the 2024 EU elections

Election day, June 9, falls on a Sunday this year. This means that it can result in a lower voter turnout. The reason is that National Day on June 6 falls on Thursday, followed by a busy day on Friday and then a public holiday before election day arrives.

The probability that many may be free, traveling away or simply in other thoughts is therefore high. Therefore, it is a good idea to vote early to make your voice heard.

In an interview with SVT News says the political scientist and election researcher Linda Berg that it is simply not an optimal date to vote on this year.

– We know from the research that it is best to hold elections at the beginning of autumn, and worst during the summer when people are least likely to vote, she says.

Despite the date on which the EU elections fall, Berg predicts a high voter turnout.

– It is a troubled environment, and that can attract people to vote. Support for EU membership is high, and in addition, there are more candidates than in the last election who are already known to voters. And then there are extremely good chances to vote early.

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