That dog breed is most overrated

That dog breed is most overrated

For those planning to get a dog, the choice of breed can be a real jungle.

Most experts agree: choosing a dog that is more than just cute, but also fits your lifestyle, should be high on the priority list.


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Photo: Marko Säävälä/TT The dog trainer treats the popular mixed breed

News24 has previously written about the dog trainer Jesswho shares dog-related content with his roughly 46,000 followers on Tiktok.

In a clip with over 13 million views, she lists three breeds she herself would never buy, as someone who works in the dog training business. One of them is a popular mixed breed:

– Any doodle. It doesn’t matter what kind it is, I want nothing to do with a doodle. They come with many behavioral disorders, and now we mix anything with poodles to make new kinds of doodles.

Here you can read the entire article.

7 Vets: That dog breed is the most overrated

And she’s not the only one in the dog industry to diss the wildly popular doodle varieties.

In a viral Tiktok clips eight American vets are asked which dog breed they believe is the most overrated. And it would turn out that seven out of eight were touchingly in agreement – ​​independently of each other, they gave the same answer.

This is how they answered:

  • “French Bulldogs.”
  • “Any doodle, ever.”
  • “Overrated? Doodles.”
  • “French bulldogs. Or no wait, doodles are more overrated.”
  • “Either golden doodles or labradoodles.”
  • “Doodles.”
  • “Overrated? Golden doodles.”
  • “Doodles.”
  • Nyheter24 has asked the Swedish Kennel Club and Agria for a comment. Both declined to comment on the matter.

    READ MORE: Fancy a dog? Here are the breeds that are absolutely the MOST EXPENSIVE to own
