That country has officially announced! “Only one day of oil left”

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe made important statements about the country’s economy. Stating that there is a shortage of cash and the economic situation has become dangerous, Wickremesinghe said, “We have run out of oil stock. At the moment, we only have one day’s stock of oil,” he said. Prime Minister Wickremesinghe, who warned that the country may face worse conditions in the coming days, also said that Sri Lankan Airlines should be privatized.


Underlining the instability in the country’s economy, Wickremesinghe said, “We have to print money to pay salaries and meet basic needs.”


On the other hand, it was stated that 230 people were detained in the violence that took place in Sri Lanka last week. According to the news in ANI News, Police Spokesperson Nalin Thalduwa stated that police stations were asked to increase patrols and continue vehicle and identity checks due to violence.

Thalduwa noted that 230 people were detained in the violence that took place last week.

On the other hand, the nationwide curfew was lifted yesterday for Sri Lankans to celebrate Vesak Day, which marks the birth, death and enlightenment of Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.


In Sri Lanka, which is facing the biggest economic crisis in its history, the people intensified their protests at the end of March after power cuts found 13 hours a day.

There was a clash between the demonstrators gathered around the Prime Minister’s Office and the supporters of the government in the country on May 9, and military units were called to duty in Colombo.

After increasing pressure from the opposition, Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa resigned. The cabinet was automatically dissolved due to the resignation of the prime minister.

A nationwide curfew was declared after the violence, and the government ordered that anyone who harmed public property or others during the protests be shot at.

In the protests that spread across the country, 8 people, including the ruling party’s parliamentarian and 2 police officers, have lost their lives and approximately 250 people have been injured. (AA/UAV)
