Thanksgiving: what is the origin of this holiday so famous in the US?

Thanksgiving what is the origin of this holiday so famous

Thanksgiving is one of the most popular holidays in the United States. Dedicated to gratitude and recognition, it is an opportunity for great family reunions.

From the start of the school year until the end of the year, the period is marked in the United States by a triptych of unmissable holidays which begin with Halloween and end with Christmas.. Between the two, a holiday little known in France but eminently popular in the United States: Thanksgiving. Devoted to recognition and gratitude, this holiday is spent with the family, and Americans do not hesitate to cross the continent from one end to the other to spend it together. Particularity of Thanksgiving: this festival federates beyond religious affiliations, given its very origin. In fact, in the 17th century, a crew of British settlers landed on the northeastern American coast. Surprised by the harshness of the winter, half the crew succumbs, until two natives of the Wampanoag people come to their rescue, teaching them the basics of farming and hunting. Results, the pilgrims obtain the following year extraordinary harvests. To thank them, the then governor established a day of thanksgiving, to be celebrated together. The Natives then bring with them turkeys roasting, which is still the traditional Thanksgiving dish. For the anecdote, only a turkey has had the chance to be pardoned by the President since the end of the 1980s. And just after this spiritual feast, another high mass takes place the next day, completely commercial this time. : Black Friday.

When is Thanksgiving in 2022?

This national and family holiday is usually held on last Thursday of November in the United States. A date set by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863. This day has also been a holiday in the United States since 1941. More than a holiday, it is also a tradition to which Americans are very attached. For the occasion, on this date, they are millions to cross the country to celebrate it with family. This year, Thanksgiving will be on Thursday, November 24, 2022.

What is Thanksgiving Day?

Thanksgiving is both a religious and cultural holiday that means “thank you for the gifts”. It allows you to celebrate and thank, as a family, all that has been “received” during the year. The state of mind during this day is generally dedicated to feelings of gratitude and appreciation.

What are the origins of Thanksgiving?

If we go back in time, this festival was born in 1620 when the Pilgrim Fathers, the Pilgrim Fathers, docked aboard the Mayflower at Plymouth, in what is now Massachusetts in the United States. Part of the crew had been ravaged by scurvy and so the sailors were weak when they landed. Fortunately, they were able to count on the help of a few Amerindians who taught them hunting, farming and fishing techniques and who offered them wild turkeys. Note that one of these Natives spoke English because he had been taken captive to be a slave in London, but had managed to escape to find his lands. William Bradford, then governor of these first settlers, organized a banquet to thank God for their harvests but also the Amerindians for their precious help. This is the origin of Thanksgiving.

Why do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving?

This holiday is one of the strong symbols of American origins. It has become almost as important as Christmas and above all it is an opportunity for Americans to get together with family or friends over a good meal. Some stars also take the opportunity to share these moments of conviviality on social networks.

The turkey that so marked sailors in the 17th century is the star food of Thanksgiving. It is stuffed and roasted in the oven and traditionally accompanied by mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes, and a cranberry. It’s the main course. For dessert, a pumpkin pie often ends the meal. A turkey is also traditionally always pardoned for Thanksgiving by the President of the United States.

Which countries celebrate Thanksgiving?

Around the world, Americans aren’t the only ones celebrating Thanksgiving. Canadians also celebrate this holiday on the second Monday in October.. The inhabitants of some Caribbean Islands and Liberia also celebrate Thanksgiving.

What do we celebrate the day after Thanksgiving?

The day after Thanksgiving another purely material holiday follows: Black Friday. During this day of promotions, most shops and e-commerce sites offer multiple discounts on products. This day of good plans was also born there in the United States in the 70s before arriving in France in 2010. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. This year, Black Friday takes place on November 25, 2022.

Why does Black Friday come the day after Thanksgiving?

The origin of this sequence is not proven, but it is said that to celebrate Thanksgiving, employees and workers posed on Friday to take advantage of a long four-day weekend. And annoyed bosses wondered how to manage these absences, especially since in the 1960s, it was the day of special promotions just before Christmas. And from there was born the term Black Friday, also referring to the account books of merchants who went from red (deficit) to black (profit) on this occasion. Building on the success of this special promotional operation, Black Friday has since 2004 been followed by Cyber ​​Monday. The concept is the same, but dedicated only to e-commerce, in order to also benefit sellers who only have a web presence.
