Thanks to this amazing trick, you can surely still consume expired eggs

Thanks to this amazing trick you can surely still consume

Did you know that even if an egg’s expiration date has passed, it can still be eaten in some cases? We reveal our tips to find out and avoid food poisoning.

Do you also happen to have expired eggs in your fridge? If the eggs have a expiration date about three to four weeks after the egg is laid, it is in fact very often possible to eat the eggs several days after this date without risking food poisoning. This date is indicative. The first thing to do is to Store your eggs well.

  • Check that the shell is not cracked.
  • Do not wash them before storing them. They have a protective layer against bacteria.
  • Leave them in their box so that they are well protected from humidity.
  • Store them on a shelf in the fridge rather than in the door to avoid temperature variations.
  • Position the eggs in the box with the larger part facing up.

Then, there are several little tricks to be sure to eat an egg that is still edible even after its expiration date :

  • First the smell. If it smells bad when you break it, it’s headed for the trash!
  • Shake your egg. If the egg is still edible, it won’t move inside. On the contrary, if it is no longer good and air has entered it, you will hear and feel the egg moving in its shell.
  • The effective tip every time : Immerse your egg in a large bowl filled with cold water. If it rises to the surface, it’s heading for the trash to avoid intoxication. If it rises a little, you can still eat it, but don’t wait and eat it well cooked. If it stays well at the bottom, you can keep it for a few more days.
  • Finally, if at the first bite you have a doubt, avoid eating it.
