Thanks to their genes, some obese people are relatively healthy

Thanks to their genes some obese people are relatively healthy

Many obese people suffer from metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes while other obese people are in relatively good health. Why ? The answer may lie in the genes.

Currently, 39% of the world population is overweight and 12% is obese. These figures have tripled in 50 years. BMI (Body mass index) is one of the tools used to define theobesity. It is calculated by dividing the weight into kilogram by height squared in meters. From 25, the person is overweight. From 30, the person is obese. Two people with exactly the same BMI do not necessarily have the same volume fat mass and not necessarily the same distribution of fat in the body. Some storage locations are more unfavorable to the proper functioning of the body than others.

Our genes guide fat deposition

Some obese people have Genoa that promote the deposition of fat around the pancreaswhich increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Other obese people carry genes that will promote the storage of fats under the skin at the level of theabdomen or neck (double chin), which does not increase the risk of metabolic diseases, compared to non-obese people.

In the same spirit, a other study recently published highlighted the importance of predispositions genetics in the onset of obesity. Indeed, one or more mutations in certain key genes of the nervous system can deregulate the feeling of satiety. For those affected, the regulation of food quantities is extremely complicated.

Data confirmed by a study

A news study studied the occurrence of 37 diseases in 500,000 people aged 37 to 73. Twelve diseases, including coronary artery disease, stroke (stroke) and the diabetes type 2, are directly linked to the expression of genes involved in the distribution of fats in the body. Nine of them, including deep vein thrombosis or theknee osteoarthritisare not linked to the expression of genes involved in the distribution of fat in the body but only to excess fat.

The authors would like to point out that, even if a favorable distribution of fat in the body can protect obese people from certain metabolic diseases, the fact remains that being overweight remains a risk factor many other diseases. To cite just one, obesity increases the risk of developing a serious form of Covid-19.

During the first wave early 2020, more than 80% of people in intensive care were overweight. In addition to diseases physical, mental illnesses are also concerned. A study has shown a link between obesity and depression. In the event of overweight and increased obesity, the priority remains weight loss.

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