“Thanks to Blanche Gardin…”: the comedian tackled in the first episode of “LOL” season 4

Thanks to Blanche Gardin… the comedian tackled in the first

After strongly criticizing the show “LOL: who laughs comes out”, comedian and actress Blanche Gardin was the target of a strong attack from one of the participants of season 4.

LOL : who laughs comes out is a seemingly innocuous Prime Video show. Around ten French personalities, mainly actors or humorists, are locked in a room for six hours with the aim of not laughing, despite the jokes and provocations of others. If they laugh, they are eliminated. The winner allows the association he represents to win a substantial sum of money. If on paper the show is good-natured, it was hit by controversy a year ago.

On April 20, 2023, Blanche Gardin announced that she refused to participate in LOL: who laughs comes out. The reason ? The comedian and actress criticized the fact that the participants won more money than the association for which they played. She claimed on Facebook that the personalities playing in the show were “paid 200,000 euros for a day of work”, while the winning association won 50,000 euros, “that is to say four times less , and even then, only if I win.”

Since then, the rules have changed LOL : who laughs comes out, since the winner of season 4, broadcast on Prime Video since Friday February 16, will allow his association to win 150,000 euros. The losing associations also win a sum of money. However, we do not know if the participants in this fourth season are paid 200,000 euros or if the salary has been reduced.

Whatever the case, the controversy caused by Blanche Gardin has left its mark. So much so that it is mentioned in the first episode of season 4 of the show, reported Télé-Loisirs. In the first episode which was released Friday on the Prime Video streaming platform, the duo of YouTubers Mcfly and Carlito, participants of LOL 4engage in a game they call “the too honest song”.

A game which aims to make their opponents laugh, but which also allowed the duo to mention the controversy which affected Amazon a few months ago and to mock Blanche Gardin in passing. “We were contacted barely ten days ago to do this show because someone withdrew,” begins Mcfly, before his friend Carlito adds. : “Thanks to Blanche Gardin, we are going to give more money to associations, so what’s the point of saying things !”

Four episodes of LOL: who laughs comes out are put online on Prime Video this Friday, February 16, 2024. The end of the season, and the name of the winner, will be revealed a week later, on February 23, 2024.
