Thank you from President of Ukraine Zelensky to President Erdoğan for the Grain Corridor Agreement

Thank you from President of Ukraine Zelensky to President Erdogan

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskiy thanked President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and United Nations (UN) Secretary General Antonio Guterres for the decision made today regarding the continuation of the Black Sea Grain Corridor Agreement.

Zelenskiy evaluated the extension of the Black Sea Grain Corridor Agreement in line with the decision taken between Turkey, the UN, the Russian Federation and Ukraine, in his daily video message shared on his Telegram account at night.


Stating that according to the agreement in question, the shipment of grain products through the Black Sea will continue, Zelenskiy said, “Despite all difficulties and various manipulations by Russia, we will continue to export agricultural products from our Black Sea ports.” said.

Zelenskiy stated that thanks to the grain initiative, a total of 11 million tons of food products have been exported from the ports of Odessa region of Ukraine with more than 450 ships since August 1st.

“We have done everything to improve this business and I would like to thank all our partners who helped. I personally thank UN Secretary General Guterres, Turkey and President Erdogan.”

Zelenskiy noted that they are negotiating to expand the grain initiative to prevent the global hunger crisis, and that countries such as the USA, Germany, Japan, Poland and Belgium want to take part in this initiative. “If the world is united, hunger will be overcome.” made its assessment.


Zelenskiy described it as “important” that three of the four defendants were sentenced to “killing” and life imprisonment for the downing of the plane in the Dutch case regarding the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight “MH17” in Ukraine in 2014.


Stating that according to the court decision, the defendants who were guilty of the downing of the plane will serve their sentences, Zelenskiy said, “Russia has lied a lot about this disaster, but the main evidence has been determined.” said.

Stating that Russia is carrying out air strikes against Ukraine today, Zelenskiy said that 7 civilians lost their lives as a result of the attacks and that this number may increase.

Stating that the energy infrastructures in Ukraine were damaged in the attacks that took place today, Zelenskiy noted that more than 10 million people were left without electricity in various regions of the country, especially in the capital Kyiv. (AA)
