Thales launches investigation after cyberattack

Thales launches investigation after cyberattack

The French technology group Thales announced on Tuesday November 1 that it had opened an investigation after the claim of a data theft by the Russian-speaking hacker group LockBit 3.0.

We have become aware of an allegation of data theft by LockBit 3.0 targeting data believed to belong to Thales Group “, indicated the spokesperson of the company, specifying that “ extortion and ransomware group LockBit 3.0 said they want to release the data on November 7, 2022 at 06:29 UTC “.

As of this date, we have not identified any ransom note “, Specified the spokesperson for Thales – of which cybersecurity is a specialty. ” However, we carefully monitor each allegation related to data theft. A dedicated team of security experts systematically investigates this type of situation, with data security being our priority “, he added.

Claimed attack

The Russian-speaking LockBit 3.0 group claimed responsibility for a cyberattack against Thales in a communication on the darknet (a part of the internet not referenced by traditional browsers), according to Franceinfo. Hackers threaten to publish “ all data available “On November 7, documents” very sensitive, confidential, high risk “, citing the operation of the company, commercial documents, accounting records, customer files, software…

The problem is that there for the moment, it is not known whether or not they have demanded a ransom.

Damien Bancal, founder of the Zataz site and specialist in cybercrime

As far as customers are concerned, you can contact the competent bodies to consider taking legal action against this company, which has largely neglected the rules of confidentiality. We are at your disposal to offer you the best of our knowledge “, they write in their publication reproduced by the specialized site Zataz.

The LockBit 3.0 group had disrupted the operation of the South Ile-de-France Hospital Center (CHSF) of Corbeil-Essonnes by launching a spectacular cyberattack in August. He demanded a ransom of $10 million, then published patient, staff and partner data on his website.

(With AFP)
