Testimony from Donbass – “Landed a bomb in my garden”

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In eastern Ukraine, what has become the most protracted and bloody war since the war began is taking place. 20-year-old Serafim Chernyshov lives there, and he is constantly reminded of the threat:

– I know that there is a risk that I will die. Last night a bomb landed in my garden. This morning a bullet flew into my house. I could have been hit in the head.

President Zelenskyi has previously said that the Ukrainian army will not give up Bakhmut as long as possible.

Residents pray for peace

In the increasingly isolated city, the few residents who remain gather to pray for peace:

– We pray for peace, only peace. Look, everything is destroyed, all of Donbass. Everything is broken. We survived the war in 1941 and we will do so this time too, says one woman.

See the full feature and pictures from Bachmut, in the player above.
