Testimonial: “I managed not to gain weight on vacation”

Testimonial I managed not to gain weight on vacation

[CONSULTATION DE DIETETIQUE] Christine has the habit of returning from vacation with a little bonus on the scale. Except this year, thanks to a few reflexes acquired in consultation with dietitian Sophie Janvier.

“It’s the first time I’ve come back from vacation without a few extra kilos, I can’t believe it.” It is with joy and astonishment that Christine shares this summer victory. I have been following Christine in consultation for almost a year. I still remember his first visit: “I did everything, all the diets, the appetite suppressants, a sleeve…Over my entire life, I have already lost almost twice my weight!”

On the same subject

It is after gaining 8 kilos since her sleeve gastrectomy (a surgical operation which consists of removing two thirds of the stomach) that this young retiree had decided to come and see me. Without much hope: “My husband thinks I’ll never make it.”she told me.

Consultation after consultation, we reviewed his eating habits, and exposed his psychological obstacles: the fear of missing out, the difficulty in saying no, the complicated relationship with his body.

We sought, not a diet, but a way of eating

We searched, together, not a diet, but a way of eating who manages to satisfy his head, his body and his heart at the same time. In other words, a diet that does not lead to too many judgments (head), meets your needs, is good for your health (body), and of course pleasant and a source of pleasure (heart).

“It spoke to me so much when you talked about this head-body-heart reconciliation, confides Christine. I understood that, for a long time, I ate while giving too much or too little room to my head since I alternated between periods where I controlled everything I ate, and others where I really didn’t want to look at things. in front. I also neglected my body a lot…”

Learn to listen to yourself rather than suffer

Throughout our follow-up, Christine experimented and learned to listen to herself rather than being influenced or influenced. “There was always a friend to tell me what to eat or a friend to convince me to eat sausage again. But now I do what’s right for me.”

This is how, after trying “healthy” cakes, with wholemeal flour, less sugar and no butter, she one day declared to me: “No, but frankly, it’s not good.” I then suggested that she return to real good cakes, to freeze sliced. And take out a slice from time to time to enjoy without excess…

“The sleeve helped me eat less, but it was the work we did together that taught me to WANT to eat less and better,” she admits to me. Little by little, Christine reinvented her breakfast, tested new choices at restaurants, and rediscovered the pleasure of cooking vegetables. And he liked it.

Say yes to sprains on vacation… but from time to time

“During the holidays, my friends brought back pain au chocolat for breakfast, but for me, my slice of rye bread with a little cheese + my kiwi, that suits me. I preferred to deviate from my routine for what really brings me extra pleasure, like tasting a local specialty or having a dessert from time to time. And it didn’t even make me gain weight!”

Nothing surprising really. Christine did not see the holidays as an “open bar” where everything was allowed, but as a relaxing break where you could listen to each other even more…

Our expert: Sophie Janvier, dietitian nutritionist, author of The gentle method to eat better, ed. The Duke
