Testa (Borsa Italiana): committed to market fragmentation, Capital Markets Union is needed

Testa Borsa Italiana committed to market fragmentation Capital Markets Union

(Finance) – “Panetta’s first speech was very linear, he touched on points that are obviously on the agenda and that this audience wanted to hear. So it seems like a clear enough message on the need to cut ratesobviously if the data allows it, and the note he made on Big Techs and no longer on Fintechs is also interesting, a point of attention which in our opinion revolves around the supervision of both domestic and obviously European regulators”. told Finance Fabrizio TestaCEO of Borsa Italiana, on the sidelines of the annual congress of Assiom Forex, the association of financial market operators, underway in Genoa.

The issue of the fragmentation of European markets “is something we are committed to as a group Euronext, which brings together seven markets but obviously in Europe there are more than seven markets. So the fragmentation remains“Testa said.

“The objective of Euronext with the entry above all of Borsa Italiana – which has given both horizontal diversification, therefore with the addition of fixed income, and vertical with the clearing house – goes precisely in that direction – claimed the manager – Strong signals are needed from the authoritiesso that obviously the Capital Markets Union is accelerated, what Lagarde herself said – namely the strengthening of Esma – goes in that direction”.

The number one of the Italian Stock Exchange also expressed satisfaction with the approval of the Capital Bill, despite some elements that need to be corrected, as bankers such as Alberto Nagel and Giuseppe Castagna have already pointed out. “Being the Ddl Capitali a piece of legislation that comes after a long journey – Treasury Task Force, Green Book, both we at the Stock Exchange and CONSOB have already worked on the regulations – for us it is positive that it is going through – he said – He has in mind a delegation to the TUF precisely to review some aspects and possibly make some corrective. From our point of view, and then also hearing from many parties involved, the weight of the positive part is decidedly greater than some slightly less brilliant releases“.

(Photo: Giovanni Ricciardi)
